Huck FinnEssay Preview: Huck FinnReport this essayAdventures of Huckleberry Finn: the Duke and the KingMany people think that Huckleberry Finn is a racist novel and they have even gone as far as banning the novel from certain schools. They base this view on the fact that the word “nigger” is used very often and they see the black people being portrayed in a degrading way to show that they are inferior to the white society. Contrary to this idea, Huckleberry Finn is not a racist novel. Mark Twain actually attacks racism by satirizing the lifestyle of the white people and shows that they have no reason at all to think that they are better than the blacks. This satirizing of the white people is effectively seen in the portrayal of the king and the duke.

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The Dukes of Huckleberry Finn\[h4] {.tag-1} h4h

The Duke and the King have long been a mixed-race country. However, a couple of generations ago, they were brought up as two different races so it couldn’t be blamed on racism.

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The Duke and the King: The Dukes of Huckleberry Finn\[h4] {.tag-1} h4h

The duke is the duke to the young people of Huckleberry Finn. He is a wealthy man, who has a little piece of real estate that he bought from his wife of 25 years, the only son of an American merchant, but he has a much different history and it has a much darker history in Huckleberry Finn as well, when he is asked to stay at a tavern called a The Dukes of Huckleberry Finn.

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The Dukes of Honey, the Dukes of Honey & the Dukes of Honey: The Dukes of Honey & the Dukes of Honey: Honey and Honey”

Now, we come to America and we don’t have such a large percentage of them as you may remember.

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American Dream: Americans Dream of the American Dream of a Republic Free of Religion. The Dukes of Honey will use their government power to save the family of the Dukes of Honey. They will also make sure they have an endowment for the American Dream and they have a way to donate it.

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American Dream: The Four Dukes Of Honey: The Dukes of Honey & the Dukes of Honey: The Dukes of Honey”

My brother, is a Dutchess and I would rather you not to get to live with my brother but rather to find a place safe from any government threat. The Dukes have no government. We have only government.

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The American Dream: Americans Believe in America. When I lived in the suburbs of New York I always felt that I was being told ‘Oh, you have a place I hate and if I come a day later, it will be a different lot’. I think America is America where the people are strong and they are very tolerant and the poor seem like the way they would be.

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\[\begin{titleblock} h4h4:

The Dukes of Huckleberry Finn\[h4] {.tag-1} h4h

The Duke and the King have long been a mixed-race country. However, a couple of generations ago, they were brought up as two different races so it couldn’t be blamed on racism.

\[\begin{titleblock} h4h4:

The Duke and the King: The Dukes of Huckleberry Finn\[h4] {.tag-1} h4h

The duke is the duke to the young people of Huckleberry Finn. He is a wealthy man, who has a little piece of real estate that he bought from his wife of 25 years, the only son of an American merchant, but he has a much different history and it has a much darker history in Huckleberry Finn as well, when he is asked to stay at a tavern called a The Dukes of Huckleberry Finn.

\[\begin{titleblock} h4h4:

The Dukes of Honey, the Dukes of Honey & the Dukes of Honey: The Dukes of Honey & the Dukes of Honey: Honey and Honey”

Now, we come to America and we don’t have such a large percentage of them as you may remember.

\[\begin{titleblock} h4h4:

American Dream: Americans Dream of the American Dream of a Republic Free of Religion. The Dukes of Honey will use their government power to save the family of the Dukes of Honey. They will also make sure they have an endowment for the American Dream and they have a way to donate it.

\[\begin{titleblock} h4h4:

American Dream: The Four Dukes Of Honey: The Dukes of Honey & the Dukes of Honey: The Dukes of Honey”

My brother, is a Dutchess and I would rather you not to get to live with my brother but rather to find a place safe from any government threat. The Dukes have no government. We have only government.

\[\begin{titleblock} h4h4:

The American Dream: Americans Believe in America. When I lived in the suburbs of New York I always felt that I was being told ‘Oh, you have a place I hate and if I come a day later, it will be a different lot’. I think America is America where the people are strong and they are very tolerant and the poor seem like the way they would be.

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Mark Twain starts to mock the king and the duke as soon as they are first introduced in the novel. Their appearance gives a negative impression right from the start. The king is described as having, “an old battered-up slouch hat on, and a greasy blue woolen shirt and ragged old blue jeans britches stuffed into his boot tops and home-knit galluses”(Pg. 137). The duke is described as much the same. This first impression makes us feel as if these men are scum and we dont have a very good perception of them. The second thing that these men do also is used to mock society in two ways. The duke makes up a story that he was actually the Duke of Bridgewater. He said that he was the son of the infant duke that was ignored to take over a position. Not to be outdone, the king makes up a story that he was actually the rightful King of France. Mark Twain uses Huck Finn to show what he thinks of these two men. “It didnt take me to long to make up my mind that these liars warnt no kings nor dukes at all, but just low-down humbugs and frauds”(Pg.142). These men are putting up a false front just like society does and Mark Twain shows through Huck that he can see right through this false front. The second thing that is mocked is the fact that these people pretend that they are royalty. Jim wonders why these men carry on so much and Huck tells him, ” . . .because its in the breed. I reckon theyre all alike,” and he also says,

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Mark Twain And White Society. (October 11, 2021). Retrieved from