Map Region Essay – Essay – Amanda1103
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Map Region Essay
On the map I have made, it is split into 10 Regions. The map is separated this way due to population, climate, landforms, land use, and location. Each region has different statistics. From greatest to least in population, Southwest is the largest with total of about 55 million people! Closely following Southwest comes Southeast with 54 million. After follows the Midwest with 50 million, Mid Atlantic with 38 million, and the South Central and Northeast with the same population of 33 million. Dropping down, there follows North Central with 19 million, Northwest with 13 million, Hawaii with 2 million and Alaska with 1 million. I think the reason why some regions have more people than others is because of attractions, such as weather. For example, you don’t hear about any states in the Southwest getting horrible storms which can be a colossal guard up for some people.

Each region has a different life style due to its climate and land area. In the Northeast climate region provides four distinct seasons. The summer months are sunny and warm, while the winter months are cold and punctuated by heavy snow and ice. This region is surrounded by Canada to the north, the Atlantic ocean to the east, followed by other states to the southwest. Its land contains many mountains, rivers, and lakes, making it well known for its natural beauty. Throughout the acres of land, most people in the northeast live within 100 miles of the Atlantic coast. The largest populated city in this region, as well as any other in the country is New York City, containing about 19 million people!

The Southwest is the largest region in both land area and population. Most areas in the region are very dry and hot, where the land gets less than 10 inches of rain per year. Other areas such as in Colorado can get extremely cold with lots of snow. Most of the region lies between two great mountain ranges: the Rocky Mountains in the east, and the Sierra Nevada in the west. The land elevation goes through a range from 0 – 10,000 feet. Population tends to be concentrated in urban centers, making California have the largest population in this region of more than 35 million people, along with the rest of the states.

The Northeast and the Southwest region have a few things in common such as they
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(2017, 10). Map Region Essay. Retrieved 10, 2017, from
“Map Region Essay” 10 2017. 2017. 10 2017 < "Map Region Essay.", 10 2017. Web. 10 2017. < "Map Region Essay." 10, 2017. Accessed 10, 2017. Essay Preview By: Amanda1103 Submitted: October 14, 2017 Essay Length: 656 Words / 3 Pages Paper type: Essay Views: 375 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Holocaust Research Essay Of all the examples of injustice against humanity in history, the Jewish Holocaust has to be one of the most prominent. In the period of 1,580 Words  |  7 Pages Analysis of James Hurst's Essay, "the Scarlet Ibis" Analysis of James Hurst's Essay, "The Scarlet Ibis" Dante Alighieri once said, "Avarice, envy, pride, three fatal sparks, have set the hearts of all on 711 Words  |  3 Pages Corporate Responsibility Essay Corporate Responsibility From a business perspective, working under government contracts can be a very lucrative proposition. In general, a stream of orders keep coming in, 2,268 Words  |  10 Pages My Road Map - Personal Essay My Road Map Right now I’m surrounded by all people who have the word “University” on their agenda whether it’s a parent or my peers. 250 Words  |  1 Pages Similar Topics Illistration Essay Hamlet Essay Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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