Ethics at WorkEthics at WorkEthics at workToday’s society is governed through the implications of rules, legal restrictions that tell you if something is considered, in the eyes of society, to be right or wrong. All of these rules were created to uphold and maintain a ridged idea of ethical and moral values. For example the “10 commandments” which are thousands of years old, were created to teach ethical values, the difference between right and wrong. But who determines what is considered ethical? And what affects ones decision to act ethical or unethical? The answers to these questions will be discussed later.

Webster’s new world dictionary defines ethics as “the study and standards of conduct and moral judgment” and “the system of morals of a particular religion, group, etc” (1). The understanding of human standards and moral judgment has greatly influenced modern business. Most modern Business’ pay careful attention to ethical values and follow an ethical code of conduct. However these ethical values were not always acknowledged, slavery is a good example of this. With the emergence of the industrial revolution, new ideas about management and ethical practices came into effect, eventually resulting in major benefits to employers and employees.

In the early 1800’s, the industrial revolution well under way, managers of industrial factories cared little about the well being of their workers. There main concern was with achieving the greatest amount of productivity. Managers accomplished this by matching workers skills with job related skills. For example, for a job that required allot of heavy lifting would go to an individual who is physically fit (2). This act of matching skills is referred to as the “scientific management movement” it provides good examples of the problems that arise when ethical situations are not properly dealt with. The factory jobs were un-rewarding, repetitious and did not allow any room to advance. The management style was generally system 1, which is exploitive and autocratic. In this system the workers distrust the manager and usually oppose the formal organizations goals. Eventually it was realized that catering to the needs of the workers caused an increase in productivity. This was the beginning of the human resource era, which understands that each individual has untapped potential. Since then, ethics in the work place has become a major focus for study.

Children growing up are taught some very important codes of ethics in school, for example the golden rule, “treat others as you would want them to treat you”. These lessons learned as a youth growing up carry over into adulthood, as an employee, and or manager. It is imperative to possess high ethical values if one wishes to succeed in any formal organization. Compared to traditional managerial styles (system 1 and 2), modern managers are usually system 3 or 4, these types of managers are more democratic, and communicate with all levels of subordinates (3). This managerial style promotes good ethical values. The result is a more cohesive formal organization, and informal organization. This change in managerial style, from system 1 to system 4, is a direct result of ethical values being implemented into modern business practices. The benefits of implementing a code of ethics at work are clear, productivity is greatly increased and the moral of all employees rises.


[1] A number of scholars have raised the issue of what constitutes an unethical approach to management, but in most of the cases it has been taken as an example of how ethics is a cultural or societal aspect. In order to understand how human being is valued without regard to cultural or social norms, the question should be asked: how do you define ethics and how do you justify ethical behavior in order to get it right? (p. 25)

”. An ethical model would be one that gives employees some level of autonomy from each other, giving it some flexibility when they are in a position of influence but allowing them to perform work on their own accord. The goal would be to set ethical guidelines or ways to protect employees’ autonomy, but as each person has to make a decision in deciding to accept his or her own values, this would then involve some level of coercion. In order to be a good manager, it would behoove workers to treat others in a cooperative manner, or to have certain ethical standards for everyone, with a view to improving work environment and reducing conflicts in the workplace. People who are managers often work under a high-pressure environment, as it is common for workers in positions of influence to be under pressure throughout their careers. Those who are managers are generally in control and have strong ties to the company. If they choose to be an ethical manager, it is highly likely they do not get to keep their job because workers will be forced sometimes to negotiate.


The ethical model should be an open-ended one, based on a variety of concepts. What is the value of any particular practice should be defined before considering any other. The ethics of certain types of ethical practices would be explained by the rules of ethics and in terms of their overall value. The principles of ethics that apply to different ethical practices would be determined as follows:

If ethics can be used to help managers reach their goal of improvement, then it should provide a level of accountability in their dealings with individuals and the management system. As one such ethical position might change, managers should maintain effective standards for accountability. This will help in identifying possible problems and getting more involved and willing to work with employees. This is especially important of managers who are very well served by the fact that their actions could benefit the entire organization. This would also allow supervisors to know how many employees can be reached before being asked to use one.

If ethics can be used to create standards of working standards, then it should provide a level of accountability in their dealings with individuals and the management system. As one such ethical position might change, managers should maintain effective standards for accountability. This will help in identifying possible problems and getting more involved and willing to work with employees. This is especially important of managers who are very well served by the fact that their actions could benefit the entire organization. This would also allow supervisors to know how many employees can be reached before being asked to use one. If ethics can be used to help avoid conflicts, then it should provide a level of accountability in their dealings with individuals and the management system. In certain situations managers can even decide unilaterally whether to perform a particular task and be held responsible. This would be a way of maintaining autonomy, not merely for themselves but as a way of controlling how they function and performing their duties.

This would be a way of maintaining autonomy, not merely for themselves but as a way of controlling how they function and performing their duties. If an ethical position is a common example of an unethical approach to work, then I think it is highly likely that in the future it could become a standard of behavior that will carry over into a whole series of managerial philosophies (see, for example, the recent movement for self-improvement of managers, by Daniel Keeser-Boyd and Richard M. Gantman[2] [2003


[1] A number of scholars have raised the issue of what constitutes an unethical approach to management, but in most of the cases it has been taken as an example of how ethics is a cultural or societal aspect. In order to understand how human being is valued without regard to cultural or social norms, the question should be asked: how do you define ethics and how do you justify ethical behavior in order to get it right? (p. 25)

”. An ethical model would be one that gives employees some level of autonomy from each other, giving it some flexibility when they are in a position of influence but allowing them to perform work on their own accord. The goal would be to set ethical guidelines or ways to protect employees’ autonomy, but as each person has to make a decision in deciding to accept his or her own values, this would then involve some level of coercion. In order to be a good manager, it would behoove workers to treat others in a cooperative manner, or to have certain ethical standards for everyone, with a view to improving work environment and reducing conflicts in the workplace. People who are managers often work under a high-pressure environment, as it is common for workers in positions of influence to be under pressure throughout their careers. Those who are managers are generally in control and have strong ties to the company. If they choose to be an ethical manager, it is highly likely they do not get to keep their job because workers will be forced sometimes to negotiate.


The ethical model should be an open-ended one, based on a variety of concepts. What is the value of any particular practice should be defined before considering any other. The ethics of certain types of ethical practices would be explained by the rules of ethics and in terms of their overall value. The principles of ethics that apply to different ethical practices would be determined as follows:

If ethics can be used to help managers reach their goal of improvement, then it should provide a level of accountability in their dealings with individuals and the management system. As one such ethical position might change, managers should maintain effective standards for accountability. This will help in identifying possible problems and getting more involved and willing to work with employees. This is especially important of managers who are very well served by the fact that their actions could benefit the entire organization. This would also allow supervisors to know how many employees can be reached before being asked to use one.

If ethics can be used to create standards of working standards, then it should provide a level of accountability in their dealings with individuals and the management system. As one such ethical position might change, managers should maintain effective standards for accountability. This will help in identifying possible problems and getting more involved and willing to work with employees. This is especially important of managers who are very well served by the fact that their actions could benefit the entire organization. This would also allow supervisors to know how many employees can be reached before being asked to use one. If ethics can be used to help avoid conflicts, then it should provide a level of accountability in their dealings with individuals and the management system. In certain situations managers can even decide unilaterally whether to perform a particular task and be held responsible. This would be a way of maintaining autonomy, not merely for themselves but as a way of controlling how they function and performing their duties.

This would be a way of maintaining autonomy, not merely for themselves but as a way of controlling how they function and performing their duties. If an ethical position is a common example of an unethical approach to work, then I think it is highly likely that in the future it could become a standard of behavior that will carry over into a whole series of managerial philosophies (see, for example, the recent movement for self-improvement of managers, by Daniel Keeser-Boyd and Richard M. Gantman[2] [2003

Managers and workers both follow a similar code of ethics within the work place, such as working for the greater good (the company), treating co-workers and others with respect, and not stealing. There are also many differences between a managers and subordinates code of ethics at work. The manager has an ethical responsibility to ensure a safe work place, and to serve as a moral leader and set a good example to the rest of the employees. This can be accomplished by being honest, compassionate, and listening to what the subordinates are saying. The manager must also stay away from any bias’, such as religion, age, or race. Workers have an ethical responsibility to work hard, follow instructions from the managers when needed, and complete the task that is assigned.

The study of ethics raises many questions, what is considered ethical? Is it considered to be ethical to everyone? Who decides what is considered ethical? What factors affect these decisions? Let us take a closer look at how culture affects ones perspective on what is ethical.

The act of child labor, by North American standards, is considered to be unethical. This is a result of North American culture and the “norms” that go along with it. Through the eyes of most North Americans children should be at school getting educated, and at the play ground interacting with other kids, and not being exploited for the interest of profit. In Pakistan child labor is common and totally accepted by adults and children

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Managers Of Industrial Factories And Ethical Values. (October 8, 2021). Retrieved from