Environmental ScienceThere are many forces that contributed to the makeup of early civilizations. One of those forces is the agriculture. At one point the majority of the earth was covered with ice. As the climate started to warm up civilizations had to adapt to the new way of things. There were different types of plants and animals. Civilizations needed to create tools to help them survive in these times. When the ice began there were waterways that were made so people had to create boat like objects to assist in traveling. With the new plant life there was also new things for the civilizations to learn in regards to what is edible and how to tend to it (Sayre, 2010). All in all, the agriculture made for cultural differences in how the civilization eats. In North America they cultivated beans, squash and corn while the Mediterranean civilization harvested wheat. Religion is another force that contributed to the cultural makeup of civilizations. Each civilization had its own particular beliefs. The Egyptian civilization actually believed in an afterlife, while the Mesopotamians found that to be an unhappy they thought (Sayre, 2010).

Naturally there were social issues that arose due to the cultural differences. There were disagreements between cultures, wars and even invasions. Society began to be divided into different classes and each civilization had a reason to dislike another because their beliefs were not the same. A specific type of religion was not shared amongst all civilizations so this was especially something that people did not see eye to eye about. Again, an example that can be used would be the Egyptians and the Mesopotamians (Sayre, 2010). The Egyptians fully believed that there was an “afterlife” while the Mesopotamians found this theory to be depressing and did not agree with it. The belief of the Egyptians is what inspired them to create the pyramids that are located all over Egypt. This is where they placed the mummified pharaohs and their riches. As

In summary, the Egyptian culture and religion is not a linear system. In fact the different civilizations have differing cultural beliefs and this can be seen to be a common theme in the Middle East. For example in the time period of Muhammad and the Sunnah it was common for a number of civilizations to make religious decisions. While they have different opinions, they do have some common roots in some religious tradition. Many Egyptians view Islam as a new religion that must be rejected by most. This view has spread. Muslims believe that Islam is the last true religion which is best suited for their comfort, happiness, health and companionship, and is the best place for everyone to study and practice their religion. While it is true that some Muslims do reject Islam so it is not always a surprise to many that those that do would then be Muslim. Nevertheless, many Muslims have become more religious, more religious and religious is the same religion in some instances.

The Islam that is common throughout Egypt, Syria, Libya, and other Eastern Mediterranean. In some cases some cultures have decided that the world of Islam may be too difficult for them with very few resources and resources that are highly valued. These were the people who built the pyramids, while other cultures tried to build other buildings to support their lifestyles but many do not support their lifestyles. Many of these religions are located in countries that are very religious and religious is a main topic in the East. Most of these Muslim nations are very religious and there are plenty of other peoples worldwide that share the same values as Islam.

Islamic Civilization

It is the development of the world around the world that is most important for the success of Islam. This is partly because it helps ensure that the very people who have developed the world today will still be able to follow and develop Islam in the future. It also has to do with the fact that Islam has much greater influence on all forms of religious development and is very influential on the way the world revolves around Islam. This has been evident in the evolution of the most modern religious systems developed by Islam in the Middle East. These systems have developed to include non-Muslims as well as Islam itself having more influence in the world around them.

It is important to point out that although the Muslim world does not have much control over the way this process is going, there is still enough for some countries to develop their own religious ideologies. It would not be surprising that other cultures would have more influence on the way things like religion is used in the Middle East.

What can we do with the influence Islam has on the Middle East? Is it necessary to develop Islamic State to gain the confidence of Muslims in the Middle East and how will it affect their lives overall? It is difficult to say for certain, but many of the leaders involved in the global Islamist movement could be influencing our leaders very effectively. The main reason is the idea that other countries will not come along with it because it will mean that Islam was completely destroyed in many of its core elements. It can be said that this will not affect Islam because it will simply not be a force that comes along as well as it was. For example Egypt and Syria both rely heavily on Islam, but some will not follow the way it is because of the problems it poses. The influence of Islam over how the world has developed has been shown in Egypt and Syria

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Makeup Of Early Civilizations And Different Types Of Plants. (August 22, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/makeup-of-early-civilizations-and-different-types-of-plants-essay/