Essay Preview: Garbage
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As I entered I immediately inhaled the fumes of the garbage. The trash reeked so badly that my eyes began to water. The trash was lain flat down in a huge amount of space with some paths in between. All of this junk was assorted; there were many things such as banana peels, aluminum cans, and even broken down cars.

As I continued my way down the junkyard I saw a car that looked pretty intact. I thought it would be interesting to go inside it. I grasped the handle and pulled. The door came off with my arm and I dropped it on the ground. I thought that it couldnt be in very good condition if it was falling apart. I looked inside and saw that there was trash inside the car. There were tons of flies flying around inside and I didnt like the sight. I departed from the car and went to look for something else.

The next thing I noticed was the other animals. I had gotten used to the putrid smell of the trash; my nose was overwhelmed so I couldnt smell much anymore. There were rats (wild ones not domesticated) that were rolling around in all the filth. Also there was a stray dog doing this too, with a look of contentment on its face. And of course, the disgusting flies were zipping around all over the junkyard. I wondered how these rats and this dog could enjoy rolling around in the trash.

I was sick of my nose acting up to the disgusting odor of all the filth around me so I decided to go home. I walked back the way I came with the smell still invading my nose. I began to feel sick and started to run so I could get out faster. I went back to my house and felt better immediately after inhaling some fresh air.

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Look Of Contentment And Stray Dog. (June 9, 2021). Retrieved from