Global Marketing
Essay Preview: Global Marketing
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06-02-01 00:09
To those wanting to know the first track it is: Tiesto – Forever today. Someone must have mis-named the file Fratley had 🙂
06-01-31 22:03
I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ll only give u 3 stars.. I dont see the incredibble thing in it.. So what? U guys have the epix – Everybody can do 3 man UBRS with those items! I find it seriously fucked that ppl write \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\”OMG u guys are my heroes!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\” Whats the biggy in doing 3 man UBRS, when u have those items .. I have nothing more to say ..

06-01-31 19:20
Is it possible for the secondary server to rehost perhaps? Filefront is being lame >:
06-01-31 09:45
What are those soundtracks you called \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\”Special song #1 and #2\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\” ?
06-01-31 08:58
lol..nice though gets a bit boring after 30 min.
06-01-31 03:16
if anyone wants to know, the last song is tribute by tenacious d. its the only non-metal song i like 🙂 – i found out about it when i watched this video. gj fratley.

06-01-30 04:01
Before I watch this junk I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\d like to say Nerf Alliance >:D Nerf Nightelf Stealth Nerf Palleys and kill all gnomes
06-01-29 18:20
Please give us the songs, I liked the one about 13 minutes through. Cheers
06-01-29 18:18
06-01-29 04:37
Wow is all I can say…
06-01-29 04:32
awesome movie man, and great music, except
for the song right after Leeroy…it really creeped me out.
06-01-27 07:21
nvm found it.
06-01-27 07:20
What were the weapons you were showing at the end? one was thunderfury what was the other? the dragon one? Good movie though.
06-01-27 03:50
Zarh, if you want better speeds pay for a premium account 😉 great movie.
06-01-26 21:16
Umm, where is Drakkisath I didn\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ see you kill him, did I miss that part? I was fairly dissapointed to see you call this a 3 man UBRS then not even kill the main guy. Legendary hero indeed. 2 points for thunderfury on the whelps.

06-01-26 19:22
Impressive! The rookery part is totally insane… took you what 20 minutes? Not as cool, but if you want more 3-man content, 3-man DM west :
06-01-25 08:47
Why… Please rehost cuz FileFront is so damn slow! 16kb/sec… on a 10mb broadband…
06-01-23 18:02
what is the music ?
06-01-23 16:51
thx for the name of the soundtrack but could you also give me the other names of your \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\”trance\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\” musics you have in your video thx

06-01-23 15:29
I wrote in the wrong place, this was meant to the Drakedog movie review. Yeah I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\m embarassed… it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\s my first rate anyway, gimme a break :p

06-01-23 04:01
Nincest Movie I had ever seen. I will rat it as a AAA Adults Only. lol
06-01-23 03:38
this is just sick… 🙂
06-01-23 01:34
This is really awesome guys, by far the best instance run movie I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ve ever seen, despite the fact that it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\s long…But that\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\s juste inevitable 😛 The only downside to this video is the fact that the soudtrack is not mentionned in the movie itself, but the great run more than makes up for it. Thanks fratley for posting the soundtrack, I was also wondering about that first song, it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\s awesome 0_o

06-01-23 00:11
I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ve been receiving a lot of questions about the first song in the video. The song is \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\”DJ Tiesto – Adagio for Strings.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\” It won\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ sound exactly like any version you download since I just took selected clips from the song and put them together.

06-01-22 14:44
U guys are the best, love all Fratley\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\s movies^^

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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Ll And Special Song. (July 4, 2021). Retrieved from