Understanding And Describing EvidenceEssay Preview: Understanding And Describing EvidenceReport this essayAssessment item 1:- Understanding and Describing Evidence.The topic that I have chosen is Critical Reflection in Adult Education.Sourcing relevant information led me to various locations and mediums including electronic databases, internet search engines and libraries.DATABASESOn-line searches of databases were interesting and informative as a new medium that I’ve never ventured into. Using the computer at the UWS library and at home I entered the ERIC and Proquest Education Complete databases and gained information as follows.

•Access UWS library Voyager front page•Click on database•Scroll file to ERIC and click go•This opens the Webspirs Netscape page•Tick the ERIC database 1992-2000 and click search•1. Typed in вЂ?critical reflection’ in вЂ?words anywhere’ and highlight вЂ?EnglishвЂ™Ð²Ð‚Ñž229 results displayed•2. Typed in вЂ?adult education’ and click search•11949 results displayed•Clicked to вЂ?Advance Search’ and combined my search which narrowed it down to 25 results for вЂ?Critical reflection’ and вЂ?adult education’. Three relevant examples are-

1. Brookfield, Stephen D. (1995) Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher. Jossey-Bass.2. Stein, David. (2000) Teaching Critical Reflection. Myths and Realities No. 7.3. Brookfield, Stephen. A Critical Definition of Adult Education. Adult Education Quarterly; v36 n1 p44-49 Fall 1985.Another database accessed was вЂ?Education Complete —Proquest’.ERIC can also be accessed directly on the internet viaINTERNET SEARCH ENGINESSeveral search engines were used to varying degrees of success as shown below.1. www.anzwers.com.au•Click in directory on вЂ?Reference and EducationвЂ™Ð²Ð‚ÑžClick in next directory вЂ?EducationвЂ™Ð²Ð‚ÑžClick in next directory вЂ?Adult EducationвЂ™Ð²Ð‚ÑžGo to вЂ?Powersearch’ and type in вЂ?critical reflection’ then search•2143 returns were displayed•Condensed my search by typing вЂ?critical reflection’ and вЂ?adult education’ in the вЂ?word filter’.•24 returns were displayedA relevant item wasJossey-Bass: Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher by Stephen D. BrookfieldJossey-Bass 350 Sansome Street San Francisco, CA 94104 Phone: 415.433.1740 Fax: 415.433.0499 email: [email protected] www.josseybass.com Щ 1997-2000 A Wiley Company Becoming a Critically Reflective Teacher Stephen D. Brookfield Praise for this

2. www.edna.edu.au (Education Network Australia)•Went to вЂ?search’ in the directory and typed in вЂ?critical reflection and adult education’ and clicked search.•13 results were found called вЂ?EdNa News and Views’ of which all were Published documents.•After opening several of these documents I could not find any that was of real relevance.•Any attempt to condense my search by changing country, phrase or area of search brought back no results.Other sites accessed were-•www.google.com•www.altavista.com•www.yahoo.comLIBRARY SEARCHThe UWS library and the Miller TAFE library were used.UWS library Voyager catalogue.•Guided keyword search, typed вЂ?critical reflectionвЂ™Ð²Ð‚Ñž3715 entries displayed•Typed вЂ?critical reflection and adult education’ in search for a вЂ?phrase’ and вЂ?keyword anywhereвЂ™Ð²Ð‚Ñž1 entry returned.•Mezirow,


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