How to Create a Grab and Go Bag with a 72 Hour Kit – Coursework – SOPHER7266
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How to Create a Grab and Go Bag with a 72 Hour Kit
Robert E. Sopher Jr.Ms. KrumsiekENG 6 TR 4:15-6:50p10 October 2017How to Create a Grab and Go Bag with a 72 Hour Kit        So, what is a Grab and Go bag and why do you need one? First, a Grab and Go Bag (or it could be a backpack) is a bag that you grab quickly in case there is an emergency that forces you to leave your home. It could be because of a house fire, natural disaster, etc. Ideally, each member of your household should have his/her own bag tailored to their specific needs.        What types of situations can possibly have you leave your home and possibly your town on foot? Maybe a terrorist attack, earthquake, or an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack, or even if a car were left on the highway and you had to leave your car because you couldn’t get out of the traffic. Or, what if there was a widespread power outage and you could not get gasoline? You just never know. It could happen, so keep a bag in your car as well.

Having said that, leaving your car or home on foot in an emergency should be your last resort, not your first choice. Anyway, your 72-hour kit should have supplies to last you at least three days (if not a week).  Using zip top baggies for your supplies to make it easier to find is ideal.        Your bag should contain the following items: cash, identification, toothbrush and toothpaste, hand sanitizer, soap, shampoo, hand wipes, first aid kit, pocket knife, N-95 face mask, feminine products for women/girls, compass, whistle, lightweight food for three days, can opener in each bag, water/ container for filling with water, lightweight mess kit, LifeStraw or water filter, prescriptions if need be and matches. Again, put what you want according to your needs. Back to the food, try to use lightweight options such as, freeze dried Meals Ready to Eat (MRE’s), granola bars, ramen noodles, To Go packs of peanut butter, fruit cups, etc. You want to provide a good mix of protein and carbohydrates. Water bottles may be the easiest to include, you could throw a couple of them inside each Grab and Go Bag. Just remember that having water available, and clean water is really, important.

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(2017, 09). How to Create a Grab and Go Bag with a 72 Hour Kit. Retrieved 09, 2017, from
“How to Create a Grab and Go Bag with a 72 Hour Kit” 09 2017. 2017. 09 2017 < "How to Create a Grab and Go Bag with a 72 Hour Kit.", 09 2017. Web. 09 2017. < "How to Create a Grab and Go Bag with a 72 Hour Kit." 09, 2017. Accessed 09, 2017. Essay Preview By: SOPHER7266 Submitted: September 29, 2017 Essay Length: 485 Words / 2 Pages Paper type: Coursework Views: 334 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Is the Purpose of Advertising to Create Cognitive Dissonance Advertising deals with people's feelings and emotions. It includes understanding of the psychology of the buyer, his motives, attitudes, as well as the influences on 1,927 Words  |  8 Pages How to Mic a Drum Kit Mic-ing A Drum Kit The standard setup in drum recordings is: * Kick - Centre * Snare Centre * Hats - Half right/right * Cymbals 1,068 Words  |  5 Pages Original Writing Script - Create a Story & Characters [[ The scene opens with a boy in bed and his mother enters ]] Mother: Come on Son, rise and shine.. [[ She opens his 767 Words  |  4 Pages The Similarities Between ???the Story of an Hour In Literature, two short stories that may not seem similar on the surface can be if a deeper look is taken. A comparison can unlock 1,118 Words  |  5 Pages Similar Topics Creating Maintaining Healthy Organizational Culture Create Creature Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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