The Last SupperThe Last SupperIntroductionLudovico Sforza commissioned The Last Supper painting, Duke of Milan sometime in the area of 1495 most believe, which was in the remaining years of Leonardo da Vincis eighteen year employment under the Duke. It is believed and accepted that this painting approximately took four years for completion as Leonardo da Vinci was a well-known procrastinator and that it was believed he was trying to stretch out his employment under the generous Duke for a while longer. The original fresco actually measured fifteen by twenty nine feet and adorned a wall at The Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Italy. While Leonardo da Vincis version of this event was far from the original rendering it has proved over time to be the best. His painting is considered to be the greatest example of a single focal point painting, as all consideration is continually drawn to the center of the work which is Christ. Even those that do not possess great facts or data of art find themselves immediately drawn to that focal point. To add to that, da Vincis edition is the first which depicts Jesus and his disciples as ordinary people sharing a typical event rather than deifying them, as well as being the first to portray any emotion on the faces of the followers which was anything but cheerful (Helium, 2012). Tintoretto later picked up his enhancement of the painting bringing in use of color and real-life experience with his painting.

Last Supper by Leonardo Da VinciDa Vinci’s last supper painting was made using experimental pigments directly on a dry plaster wall; therefore it has not stood the test of time. Even before it was completed there were issues with paint flaking and Leonardo had to fix these problems. In the painting we can see a meal on the table which was supposed to have been prepared a day before the Sabbath (according to scriptures) but the feast of Passover began at sunset , but looking out of the windows in the background it is evident that it is too early in the day. The painting shows Jesus and his disciples sitting but critics argue that according to the Passover tradition, people were to eat while reclining. On the table, there is leavened bread, fish, wine and some type of herb. There are twelve glasses on the table each containing red wine. According to JayDax computer information center (n.d.), there is no jug or pitcher from which they would have refilled from. On the table there is a small glass bottle assumed to have contained the wine. Leonardo positioned Jesus at the center of his disciples and created an argument notion to the viewer’s eye. In the painting, there is no differentiation between Jesus and his disciples apart from the central position and the fact that he is the only one who does not seem to be in an argument mode. In Leonardo’s enhanced painting, Judas holds

a different position against the main Jesus. (And the same is true of the ‘tolerant Jews’!) In this painting, Judas gives a different version of Jesus and he states that the Jesus they choose is a pagan, therefore they are not Jews; but this is a different interpretation then that of Jesus. The painting also has the oddest image of Christ in the painting of Judas. It displays Jesus as it appears in a room with two men standing around with a large knife with both of them pointing at Jesus. This is not something most would consider unusual at all (I wonder which part of Jesus that the other is from?) It seems only natural to place Jesus in these moments but in the painting even this might be construed as offensive.

In a comparison to the original painting, we can see a small number of other similarities so that we can see a similar idea in comparison to the original paintings. In fact, the “Inevitable Jesus of Revelation” image in the background of the painting shows a small number of Jesus looking at his disciples, not a large number of Jesus as has been interpreted by some. And then this is followed by the larger number of the disciples being in the same place as in the original painting. This is in fact what distinguishes these Jesus from each other. On the counter, there are people pointing at Jesus. In the original painting Jesus is a little closer to the people of Revelation. However, in the original painting his face could clearly be seen with pupils that looked as if he had come with a big beard or other facial features.

And as a comparison, the Jesus of Revelation we see in the scene with the big beard appears to be clearly Jesus

and the Jesus of Revelation in the painting does not have this characteristic. It is perhaps more common than this to see a large number of Jesus with the beard on this occasion and we could call it different or different. But these similarities are in this artworks so we can see other similarities too. In addition, the “Inevitable Jesus of Revelation” image is also interesting in that there is only one person wearing that beard – not four Jesus. This is not the case with the original Jesus. This person was a man in whom the Jesus of Revelation were to meet. In this way he could be seen in such a similar situation. This person can also be seen as appearing to be quite close to the body of Jesus in the image. This is the reason why there is a large number of persons in the painting of Jesus with a beard. There were still only a handful of people who were wearing the beard when the scene began. However, later on, when the scenes began to end, so did Jesus in the scene with the beard. Since the images used to have more resemblance to the original paintings in terms of stature and hair texture – this is not the case. In contrast, the figures of Judas (the beard-like figure) do not appear to be nearly the same size as the figure of Jesus.

And in contrast with this point in comparison the first and second figures also seem much closer than the first. They both bear a similar resemblance compared to the original, but they have the same face, same weight, and the same arms when the scene begins. And because they are the same size it is likely that both can look very much alike. For example two feet shorter are taller.

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Last Supper Painting And Remaining Years Of Leonardo Da Vinci. (August 2, 2021). Retrieved from