Analytics Grand Defile – Essay – KIM NGAN Le
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Analytics Grand Defile
Analytics grand defile, with 70 graduate students
May 2nd, 2015
Coming to this event was such an eye opener for me. There was so much good speech and presentations that all have interesting takes on analytic aspect. The keynote speakers were Changan Zhang, analytics PhD student and head of analytics team at CTrip in Shanghai, and Danny Jin, director of analytics at Epsilon. They were well spoken and had so many interesting thoughts to share.

For the first speaker, he presented his topic remotely from Shanghai, which was seemed very cool. Such a great use of technology these day! Changan talked about the role of analytics in his company, what it had gone through and how successful it has become. He also noted that analytics is a fast paste and demanding type of work that on an average, his company work 300 hours per week just to keep up with the demand and not to get over run by the competing companies. Even though the software that they are using is free, they had done a lot of work and make good use of it to create great models to present to the bosses. CTrip is now numbers leading in online travel agency. And the workers are working nonstop to try to stay on top of the game. Such a great story!

The second presenter is also as good. He presented his piece by giving example and tips on analytics world. Everything can be analyze and monetize. And that is how company can make money from the information that they have gathered. There are so much information that without a system of sorting and analyzing, then those information would be useless.

Not to forgot about the students’ presentation. I have the pleasure to listen to the Wine presentation on how a group of students, about 5, did an analysis on which wine is better, red or white. Before showing

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(2016, 03). Analytics Grand Defile. Retrieved 03, 2016, from
“Analytics Grand Defile” 03 2016. 2016. 03 2016 < "Analytics Grand Defile.", 03 2016. Web. 03 2016. < "Analytics Grand Defile." 03, 2016. Accessed 03, 2016. Essay Preview By: KIM NGAN Le Submitted: March 20, 2016 Essay Length: 544 Words / 3 Pages Paper type: Essay Views: 351 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Romeo and Juliet Analytical Essay Romeo and Juliet Analytical Essay Romeo and Juliet is a very famous tale of two young lovers who encounter tragedy from their love. No strong 847 Words  |  4 Pages 1787: The Grand Convension The book I reviewed was 1787: The Grand Convention by Clinton Rossiter. In it he Breaks down before during and after the convention into four 1,161 Words  |  5 Pages Analytical Look at "traffic" and the U.S. War on Drugs How effective is the United States war on drugs? This a question that Traffic, directed by Steven Soderbergh, cracks wide open. Traffic follows three story 633 Words  |  3 Pages Business Law - Ethics - Grand Theft Auto The topic I chose for research and to become further knowledgeable on is the crime known as grand theft auto or the California State Code 1,876 Words  |  8 Pages Similar Topics Quick Guide Google Analytics Grand Unification Theory Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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