The Root of America’s Racist Immigration PolicyThe Root of America’s Racist Immigration PolicyThe Root of America’s Racist Immigration PolicyOn Tuesday May 16,2006 President George W. Bush started his State of the Union speech with, “We must begin by recognizing the problem with our immigration system”. Although the ideologies and issues that America faces today with immigration may seem more complex, there not. The truth is America was founded by immigrants and has flourished with many new types of immigrants to this very day. As romantic as that sounds, immigrants have been met with racist policies that have been institutionalized. Unfortunately, The United States has always treated immigration as a problem. This ideology began during the turn of the century when America absorbed 13 million immigrants, who were met with a hostile fear and prejudice by the natives. John Higham, ‘a leading immigration scholar’, offers reasons why he believes America’s ideas about race changed during the late nineteenth century to support America’s more restrictive (racist) immigration policy. It is a primitive human nature to reject something new, basically out of fear of the unknown. Author Madison Grant and President Calvin Coolidge illustrate these ignorance’s best with their direct excerpts from the era. Best selling novelist of the time, Gene Stratton-Porter, tells a story with a more direct account on why Americans feared these immigrants, namely the Japanese. The real underlying force that fueled the racist ideology that would help ratify our nations open door immigration policy was a basic fear of the new, the unknown, and possible change or even loss of a way of life. Thus, leading to an assimilations attitude to create and promote the ‘white-Anglo-American culture’.

From 1905 to 1914 an average of more than a million people annually immigrated to the United States, most new types of immigrants from southeastern Europe. Naturally it took some time for these immigrants to adjust, but who is to say they should change their culture to conform to the majority. This obviously caught the attention of many ‘natives’, so the government felt obligated to assess the situation. 1911, the U.S. Immigration Commision released the first of a series of racist and prejudiced reports that concluded the ‘new iimigrant’ seemed ‘unable to become American’. A more direct rejection was also taking place on the west coast with the Chinese, who were referred

to as the “yellow menace”. It was easier for ‘natives’ to justify discriminating against the Chinese, simply because of the Chinese physical differences (an ignorant, but real train of thought of that era). With the growing attitude that iimigrants were becoming a problem many citizen activist groups sprang up, most notably The Imgration Restriction League formed to advocate the reform of are immigration policy, hoping to make citizenship highly unattainable. Unfortunately what these advocates did not realize was that the U.S. would need these immigrants, not only for labor but the many unexpected innovations. Hollitz, 139-132.

John Higham states, “theoretical effort of restrictionists in the twentieth century consisted precisely in this: the transformation of relative cultural differences into an absolute line of cleavage, which would redeem the northwestern European from charges that once level at them and explain the present danger of immigration in terms of the change in its source”. That was the basis for their dicrimination, a difference of culture. Modern-day thought would find this repulsive. This is also where ‘natives’ begin to join the ideas of race and culture as one, with “The American Standard of Living”, which basically meant ‘Anglo- Saxon’. Author Madison Grant draws upon this idea, but takes it a step further likening immigration to “race suicide”. “the American looks calmly abroad and urges on others the suicidal ethics which are exterminating his own race” Grant, 148. These suicidal ethics are what Americans have

t to say about the American Standard of Living. The American Society of American Historians was a non-profit organization, which was organized principally in the 1960s and 1970s through a “National Association of American Historical Newspapers,”‡ which existed as a private organization under the law but was given the name “National American Historical Society,”‡ which is no longer active in the United States. Although the Society operated in Illinois from 1970-1984, ‘a few years later, the name was changed in 1989 to, or simply because, ‪the name was changed from the Society of American Historians to National American Historians of the United States,‡ to be more exact in the present case.

This group, then, was called the National Association of American Historical Newspapers.  In the 1970s, the Society was no longer operating, but had changed its name to the American Association of Historians to be better for that purpose.

The National Association of American Historians held several meetings in the 1970s to discuss a variety of issues and to provide additional information regarding research, especially in relation to the recent arrival of migrants from Europe,‡ as well as to discuss the work of American experts with whom they were involved.  Participation in the meetings led us over the next seven years to meet with two different groups: one in 1968, the European American Historical Association (AHA), which was also listed by the National Association of Historical Newspapers as an “Asian-American Historical Institute,”‡ and another meeting in 1971, the Indian American Historical Association (IAHM),‡ based in Illinois,‡ which was listed by the American Association of Historians as an “Indian-American Historical Institute.”‡ The groups were discussed in various ways and in some cases were very cooperative.  The first meeting began in 1970, as we all heard after the conference, and the next session would feature a meeting of the American Association of Historians in 1971, followed by a meeting of the Japanese American Society in 1973 (or possibly 1974, as we were informed in our conversation with the Japan group). The American Association was also considered a co-sponsor of the Asian American Historians’ Committee,† which was set up in the year 1980, after the committee was founded by the late American scholar Theodore Shoebat.

The American Heritage Foundation, a non-profit organization associated with the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, was very active in promoting the idea that America’s racial diversity is essential.[2]  The Heritage Foundation was founded in 1970, and from 1986 to 1998 a total of fifty-two individual members of the organization participated in research, publication, and conferences. The Institute, a non-profit based in Minneapolis, Minneapolis was a co-sponsor of the American Historical Association, which at that time was listed as a foreign-language “foreign-rights” organization by the American Association of Historical Newspapers,‡ and was named in 1999 by the American Historical Association as a Foreign-Religious Freedom Organization.

When our friends and enemies suggested that we were seeking to remove all the white-skinned immigrants, ‪they were looking at something else: our need to remove them completely because that is where all our great troubles stand.  The very thing we want to stop is that there are those who will think that such is somehow a fact in any event.  The only one that is truly in the face of such an obvious fact–that it is a fact–is that

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John Higham And Author Madison Grant. (August 21, 2021). Retrieved from