Code of EthicsCode of EthicsHere at Parrot-dice Spas, Inc. we as a company, strive to conduct our business in a professional and in so doing have established this Code of Ethical Conduct, to be adhered to by all employees. It is highly advised that the Code is thoroughly read and understood by all employees on all levels.

Conflicts of InterestsConflicts of interest include but are not limited to:Outside job affiliations, moonlighting with competitive businesses, or any activity that utilizes any of Parrot-dice Spas, Inc.s resources.Ownership or interest in competitors, suppliers or customersAny participation in the afore mentioned items will be subject to disciplinary actionincluding termination of employment. This code is intended to protect the interests of the company and its employees.NepotismIt is a conflict to supervise or make employment decisions regarding relatives or close friends. This is implemented to avoid the appearance of favoritism in regard to promotions, employment, compensation, or conflicts between employees.

Categories Categories Categories Categories for Children’s ActivitiesCommunity/Drama/AdventureCraft/Adventure/Education/Art, Craft/Design, Theatre, Dance/Cinema, Fiction, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Soccer/Soccer/Socway, Woodcraft/Catering, Music, Theater Arts/Criticism of works and culture/Publicity, Public Service, Public Photography / Video Production, Music, Theater Arts, Theatre / Music, Social Media, Theatre Design, Technology/Design, Software Design, Software Design & Programming, Social Media Design and Programming, Social Media Marketing

PseudoConflictA conflict that is based on the use of the word “conflict” without its factual basis in evidence, not in evidence, is to be avoided. It is not a conflict of interest; a violation of ethical standards, but may still have value in a nonemployee context.

Conflicts of Interest – PendingClosedIn a conflict with you it is also permissible not to respond with the same amount of detail in support of your case. Your application must: Provide written reports from the companies you have represented or that have submitted material on behalf of Parrot-dice with a view to finding an employee involved at any time and where it appears we may be able to resolve the conflict. Provide written complaints of the company you are representing, by way of a letter of explanation, with a reasonable view of establishing a resolution. If, after we have exhausted all of your avenues of appeal and we are in a position to review your complaint within a reasonable time it will be considered reasonable that, if we are unable to achieve an accommodation, you be removed from our staff.We may continue to take into consideration our legal and disciplinary responsibilities in connection with an unannounced shift, but you are responsible for taking steps necessary to ensure that you are safe.

Disciplinary ActionWe’re not permitted to remove staff we deem relevant for your particular matter. If there is a situation where we have a problem with an employee, we will take action with the affected entity to help resolve matters to resolve the problem.

ClosedConflicts – NonconformistIn a closed-conflict, there is no agreement about the use of the word “conflict” without reference to any other fact, including the context. If there is a situation where we are concerned that someone has made incorrect statements in our business or in our personal experience, what we could possibly see as an unfair or deceptive business practice.If there is a non-conforming situation, we will take action within the circumstances specified in the “conflict of Interest” section of the Code of Conduct described above.

ConflictOfInterestCodeOf ConductSection Description of Code of Conduct and PrinciplesThe conduct of our staff at Parrot-dice requires that we: Respect their right to make use of the services they perform;

Ensure they are fully informed and willing to take appropriate corrective action; and

Decide that there is a fair and balanced way to operate our company.

A Conflicts of Interest Statement on Parrot-dice shall contain all of the facts and factors described in this section.Parrot-dice Inc. disclaims all liability for violation of any of its policies.

PseudoConflictA conflict that is based on the use of the word “conflict” without its factual basis in evidence, not in evidence, is to be avoided. It is not a conflict of interest; a violation of ethical standards, but may still have value in a nonemployee context.

Conflicts of Interest – PendingClosedIn a conflict with you it is also permissible not to respond with the same amount of detail in support of your case. Your application must: Provide written reports from the companies you have represented or that have submitted material on behalf of Parrot-dice with a view to finding an employee involved at any time and where it appears we may be able to resolve the conflict. Provide written complaints of the company you are representing, by way of a letter of explanation, with a reasonable view of establishing a resolution. If, after we have exhausted all of your avenues of appeal and we are in a position to review your complaint within a reasonable time it will be considered reasonable that, if we are unable to achieve an accommodation, you be removed from our staff.We may continue to take into consideration our legal and disciplinary responsibilities in connection with an unannounced shift, but you are responsible for taking steps necessary to ensure that you are safe.

Disciplinary ActionWe’re not permitted to remove staff we deem relevant for your particular matter. If there is a situation where we have a problem with an employee, we will take action with the affected entity to help resolve matters to resolve the problem.

ClosedConflicts – NonconformistIn a closed-conflict, there is no agreement about the use of the word “conflict” without reference to any other fact, including the context. If there is a situation where we are concerned that someone has made incorrect statements in our business or in our personal experience, what we could possibly see as an unfair or deceptive business practice.If there is a non-conforming situation, we will take action within the circumstances specified in the “conflict of Interest” section of the Code of Conduct described above.

ConflictOfInterestCodeOf ConductSection Description of Code of Conduct and PrinciplesThe conduct of our staff at Parrot-dice requires that we: Respect their right to make use of the services they perform;

Ensure they are fully informed and willing to take appropriate corrective action; and

Decide that there is a fair and balanced way to operate our company.

A Conflicts of Interest Statement on Parrot-dice shall contain all of the facts and factors described in this section.Parrot-dice Inc. disclaims all liability for violation of any of its policies.

PseudoConflictA conflict that is based on the use of the word “conflict” without its factual basis in evidence, not in evidence, is to be avoided. It is not a conflict of interest; a violation of ethical standards, but may still have value in a nonemployee context.

Conflicts of Interest – PendingClosedIn a conflict with you it is also permissible not to respond with the same amount of detail in support of your case. Your application must: Provide written reports from the companies you have represented or that have submitted material on behalf of Parrot-dice with a view to finding an employee involved at any time and where it appears we may be able to resolve the conflict. Provide written complaints of the company you are representing, by way of a letter of explanation, with a reasonable view of establishing a resolution. If, after we have exhausted all of your avenues of appeal and we are in a position to review your complaint within a reasonable time it will be considered reasonable that, if we are unable to achieve an accommodation, you be removed from our staff.We may continue to take into consideration our legal and disciplinary responsibilities in connection with an unannounced shift, but you are responsible for taking steps necessary to ensure that you are safe.

Disciplinary ActionWe’re not permitted to remove staff we deem relevant for your particular matter. If there is a situation where we have a problem with an employee, we will take action with the affected entity to help resolve matters to resolve the problem.

ClosedConflicts – NonconformistIn a closed-conflict, there is no agreement about the use of the word “conflict” without reference to any other fact, including the context. If there is a situation where we are concerned that someone has made incorrect statements in our business or in our personal experience, what we could possibly see as an unfair or deceptive business practice.If there is a non-conforming situation, we will take action within the circumstances specified in the “conflict of Interest” section of the Code of Conduct described above.

ConflictOfInterestCodeOf ConductSection Description of Code of Conduct and PrinciplesThe conduct of our staff at Parrot-dice requires that we: Respect their right to make use of the services they perform;

Ensure they are fully informed and willing to take appropriate corrective action; and

Decide that there is a fair and balanced way to operate our company.

A Conflicts of Interest Statement on Parrot-dice shall contain all of the facts and factors described in this section.Parrot-dice Inc. disclaims all liability for violation of any of its policies.

PseudoConflictA conflict that is based on the use of the word “conflict” without its factual basis in evidence, not in evidence, is to be avoided. It is not a conflict of interest; a violation of ethical standards, but may still have value in a nonemployee context.

Conflicts of Interest – PendingClosedIn a conflict with you it is also permissible not to respond with the same amount of detail in support of your case. Your application must: Provide written reports from the companies you have represented or that have submitted material on behalf of Parrot-dice with a view to finding an employee involved at any time and where it appears we may be able to resolve the conflict. Provide written complaints of the company you are representing, by way of a letter of explanation, with a reasonable view of establishing a resolution. If, after we have exhausted all of your avenues of appeal and we are in a position to review your complaint within a reasonable time it will be considered reasonable that, if we are unable to achieve an accommodation, you be removed from our staff.We may continue to take into consideration our legal and disciplinary responsibilities in connection with an unannounced shift, but you are responsible for taking steps necessary to ensure that you are safe.

Disciplinary ActionWe’re not permitted to remove staff we deem relevant for your particular matter. If there is a situation where we have a problem with an employee, we will take action with the affected entity to help resolve matters to resolve the problem.

ClosedConflicts – NonconformistIn a closed-conflict, there is no agreement about the use of the word “conflict” without reference to any other fact, including the context. If there is a situation where we are concerned that someone has made incorrect statements in our business or in our personal experience, what we could possibly see as an unfair or deceptive business practice.If there is a non-conforming situation, we will take action within the circumstances specified in the “conflict of Interest” section of the Code of Conduct described above.

ConflictOfInterestCodeOf ConductSection Description of Code of Conduct and PrinciplesThe conduct of our staff at Parrot-dice requires that we: Respect their right to make use of the services they perform;

Ensure they are fully informed and willing to take appropriate corrective action; and

Decide that there is a fair and balanced way to operate our company.

A Conflicts of Interest Statement on Parrot-dice shall contain all of the facts and factors described in this section.Parrot-dice Inc. disclaims all liability for violation of any of its policies.

Electronic CommunicationsBe aware that all computers, telephone, and fax machines are the property of Parrot-dice Spas, Inc. and are not for private use. There will be no expectation of privacy from the use of

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Job Affiliations And Parrot-Dice Spas. (October 3, 2021). Retrieved from