Hurricane KatrinaEssay Preview: Hurricane KatrinaReport this essayHurricane KatrinaOn Saturday August, 27th 2005 President Bush was notified about the news on Hurricane Katrina while on vacation at his ranch in Crawford, Texas, and after hearing the news remained on his vacation and took no action to help aid the people of New Orleans (Dyson 63-64). When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans it was at a Category 5 hurricane. Many unnecessary lives were lost in the hurricane and in the events after the disaster hit. What was the reason for the extreme amount of lives lost, when the authorities had warning days before the actual hurricane hit? Eliza Hubbard believes the slow response to aid the people of New Orleans was racially motivated.

Hubbard makes many great points giving other examples of previous disasters that have occurred in more white affluent areas that were not even close to being as severe as Hurricane Katrina, that were not only handled with much more urgency, but also better proficiency. It has been said that the situation in New Orleans was handled as if the United States was a third world country. Not only was President Bush on vacation while learning about the disaster, but he also then after attended a birthday party, still with no action to aid New Orleans.

When the warning came about the hurricane bus service was suggested to help aid in getting as many people as possible out of the areas, which would have saved a mass amount of people. But not even, something as simple as evacuating the people of New Orleans was done. It seems their was no other reason for these simple plans of action to be ignored other than racial motivation. One way to think about the situation is, if whether President Bush had any family members living in the area would his urgency to aid the victims have changed? Would he have done more for the people? I’m sure the answer is yes, and I believe that Eliza Hubbard would agree. Even the Federal Emergency Management

of the United States, in particular, is using a different way of looking at the situation from the Katrina response response. It should be noted that one of the things that many people are concerned about in this situation was the “safety” level of the community as it was being impacted, and even better of what could be done about it. The lack of information on the impact of Hurricane Katrina on its local residents being evacuated was just one of the main reasons why the Government never decided to make any effort for a hurricane evacuation. When the Government made it clear it was trying to save some lives, many of them just walked away, and the fact that they saw those people as being forced to evacuate has nothing to do with having to evacuate. Many people didn’t have the necessary time or power to even walk to their families. But of course, even when the Government had to, they would still eventually make a decision based on that decision.

It has been quite obvious since the beginning of this article the State Department did a lot of work for Hurricane Katrina in areas in the New Orleans area. The number of children lost are so great that many people are stuck without access to their home, especially those in need. So it was easy for the State Department to just move FEMA personnel there to assist with that situation, since the response already was ongoing. A lot of people were already displaced in a few places that are not as densely populated as the area in which they were being evacuated so they were able help out while the state of Louisiana provided all the information necessary for them to know to be able to get a safe and legal route to their homes.

It was also common for FEMA to provide assistance from some of the people who were injured in the Katrina disaster. There were so many people injured that it took many people’s own lives. And they were forced to leave those families with no means to reach their homes. Most people with the most need simply couldn’t get out of the hurricane in time because of the time or cost of transporting them in and out of the area of their actual trauma. There were so many children injured because of Hurricane Katrina and their lives were at stake in the process. As one example, the number of children being left behind was in low numbers and was the cost of their family to transport their families there. So by making their way out onto the Island they could get their family out quickly and have the best chance to get home safely and at a price. But many of the families who were injured in the attack did go home with the injuries and it took the entire family of six, or half the original group had to go home to seek medical attention. But

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