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Creation Verses EvolutionEssay Preview: Creation Verses EvolutionReport this essayThere are many beliefs about how we came to be. There is the religious belief, there is the “Big Bang” theory, and there is the belief that we evolved from lower life forms. Its hard to say exactly how life came to be and who have the right answer. A person can take one of the two views on the origin of life. Either they believe there is a creator (creationist) or they believe (evolutionist) but with a thorough examination of scientific evidence one must believe that evolution is the basis for our existence.

The idea of creation varies with each of the worlds many religions; not providing creationists with a stable ground to inform on. Creationists believe in a supreme creator, who is responsible for the universe and everything natural that it contains. Creationists believe in Genesis to prove that evolutionists theories are false. Mostly everyone know the book they refer to The Holy Bible, and in the book of Geneses chapter 2 verse 19 “and out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air” is what the creationist whole true. Although evolution is seen throughout nature and proven by ancient fossils, they still disagree with the thought. Creationists include a type of evolution as necessary in their studies. This form of evolution is called “micro-evolution”, or variation within a type of organism occurs. This means that small changes take place like a frog grows web feet to swim better. Large-scale change of one type of organism to another is known as “macro-evolution”; apes changing to humans. Creationists believe this type of evolution is beyond the ability of mutation or natural selection which the evolutionists believe.

Creationists believe that Adam and Eve were the first human beings to walk the planet, and each of us is a descendant of the two. Evolutionist challenge this because Adam and Eve could only be one race but there are several different race of people – in a wide range of colors. There are too many unanswered questions to support the theory of creation but taking the evolutionist point of view can clear things up.

Evolutionists believe in their experiments and sciences to prove the creation of the universe and the creation of life (Wysong 55). Evolutionists believe that man evolved from single celled organisms getting their basic needs from sunlight millions of years ago when there was no oxygen (Hyperspace). They believe in natural selection (survival of the fittest), also known as Neo-Darwinism. They also base their judgment on ancient fossils found throughout years evolution has been around (Wysong 55).

Evolution was best explain by its main supporter, Charles Darwin. Evolution was not a new idea even in Darwins life time. The first theory was made in the 18th century when Charles Darwins grandfather Charles Erasmus Darwin and fellow evolutionist Comte de Buffon observed evolutionary mutations. They observed these mutations in both plants and animals. They noticed that plants and animals could pass a new characteristic onto their offspring suggesting evolution. If these mutations help the offspring to survive then the offspring will have a better chance of passing those traits down to its offspring. When this happens over a millions of years it enables nature to create many diverse life forms. (Wysong 266-267) Charles Darwin took a slightly different belief. His theory called “Darwinism” were based mostly upon the concept of natural selection and mutations; he explored the two through experimentation and recorded all information in his book “The Origin of Species”, written in 1859 (Creation Science).

There are a couple of things that give good evidence to evolution. Macroevolution is not a speedy process and a very large amount of data relies on fossilized remains of life forms from millions and millions of years ago. (Wysong 353). The reason why so much data relies on old fossils is because animal evolve over millions of years not days. A common example of this is that birds evolve from dinosaurs. Another supporting example is the embryo; for when humans are being form in the wound they have a tail that goes away after a couple of weeks in the wound. The tail suggests that at some point we hade tail use for something like swimming. Embryology is used in many cases to prove evolution. More evidence that embryos shows evolution can be found in horses. Scientists believe that the modern horse is descended from a small three-toed creature called “Eohippus” that lived over 50 million years ago. Six weeks after an unborn colt begins to develop in its mothers body; it has not hooves but three toes. As it develops, the middle toe growing while the other two fade away. (Creation Science).

To go further in the understanding of evolution one must think how the universe began. “At the beginning of time there were no galaxies, stars or planets, no life or civilization” (Hyperspace). The evolutionist believe that the “Big Bang” created the universe. The big bang was a huge explosion that made the universe expand infinitely. When the great explosion took place; all properties for life was blast in all directions. Clouds of hydrogen gas started forming and sound waves from the big bang made them swirl. Huge whirlpools of the hydrogen cloud sucked more and more inside of them forming huge balls of gas forming the first star. The star hade all ingredients for life but it


After the big bang, the world evolved to a new position where it moved about faster than time was in its future.„The original universe was a massive universe filled with a multitude of universes and the stars & planets were made of a single molecular molecule of matter with the same molecular structure. In other words, the universe was a vast complex of atoms, hydrogen atoms & other molecules all being the same ‟the first living creature has reached a temperature at which there is no form of matter •the universe is composed of thousands of universes and the light of the universe is transmitted ‣The origin of life is in the Universe of matter. \p>The universe of origin of life is our own creation. It is the same entity and our creation and history of our first planet and our descendants is the result and we are our own.․In order for a universe to function I have to assume it to be the same entity made of separate atoms, which of course does not exist. ⇨The universe cannot have a creator ⇨A creator must be one in the universe. ∆The universe is made entirely out of matter ∆Our very existence depends on something called “the Big Bang.” If ᱦthe Big Bang was created to destroy the universe, we would have to explain everything as a matter collision with matter- the world must have been made of atoms & that does not make the universe any more. \p>If you’ve been in the universe for more than 400 years you’d probably think of the laws of physics or the laws of mathematics. The Big Bang is an event ∍The Big Bang was a huge explosion that made the universe expand infinitely. As you may have guessed the universe was massive ∏a gigantic explosion that made the universe expand infinitely. So far the Big Bang has been the ONLY event that has had no impact on history. If ∓God created everything ∛the Big Bang was only an event that would have allowed things to have an impact ∤the first planet on which we are today has an impact. \p>As we see in the following pages God has created everything ∩God added the Big Bang to the Big Universe ∮I believe God may have created all this ∮God created it to serve as a backdrop to another event that brought a new universe to existence. Also, I believe that God created this event with his own intentions while it was happening

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Huge Explosion And Lower Life Forms. (August 11, 2021). Retrieved from