Huckfinn to Be or Not to Be in SchoolEssay title: Huckfinn to Be or Not to Be in SchoolHuckleberry Finn to be or not to be in schoolHuckleberry Finn to be or not to be in school? It’s a highly discussed question, some people think it should be in the schools curriculum and some think it shouldn’t be. It should be as easy to see as black and white right? Well that’s wrong it’s not as easy to see as black and white but what is easy to see is some people want and some don’t. Huckleberry Finn is a book about a southern white boy who decides a escape from “sivilzation” and just happens to stumble upon a Nigger named Jim, they decide to head to a free states so Jim could be free. They end up missing where they want to go and head down farther into southern territory where it’s way worse for Niggers. I conceder this book very racist and disturbing. I do understand that this is a part of our history and it’s how people were really treated but people should not be forced to read it. No one learns anything in this book of course in the end Jim gets forty dollars and his freedom but in the end other than that nothing has changed Huck learns nothing he jus goes off to explore out west, that’s why I think huckleberry Finn should not be taught in school.

The adventures of Huckleberry Finn is seen as one other the great American classics. I see it as a great white classic no offence to anyone of course. America is made up of all different races and religions and this book is offensive to one and makes another look better. But young white males now, in the past and in the future have gotten a kick out of or will get a kick out of getting to read this book. Those boys tend to like this book more than anyone else.

This book does not make a giant impact in peoples lives. When people get older they don’t think one of the best pieces of lititure I ever read was back in high school when I read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. If this book is supposed to have some type of message then most young back male can’t get it because the extensive use of the word Nigger. Some people are jus ignorant of how powerful that word is to blacks. But some people are just ignorant to young black culture like Bill Maxwell “Many of the nations black youngsters, in fact, love rap groups like N.W.A (Niggers With Attitude) who make the “N” epithet and integral in their repertoires. Even more, blacks everywhere, including

TJ”, are aware of the power of this “gang mentality” in some African countries where they speak of how strong a sense of pride, even at any individual level, they show of being good citizens.

I am truly grateful that this book of great inspiration helped me and made me think about my own personal experiences. I am now going to share my personal experiences and give myself permission to share my story. The book will be written by other people and will come out a couple years after my life has happened. All people I talk with about this love, pride, power and inspiration have a great power to change their culture’ and we want to ensure that people are able to share their stories of inspiration with others.

I am very grateful to your book and the world to whom I write as a Black man.

If anyone has any ideas on the “Diversity in America” topic please do tell me‖: (please message) ‏@sandra_vander: it is not only about Black people‖ but also about their culture‖. Also let me know with the “what has to be done” questions:‖–‏@grizzlies‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖

Thank you to everyone who wrote on your post, I think it was not intended to be viral but was more to make people feel connected to you because we all have so much to learn in school. I hope we can keep on learning.‖ I also thank my parents who gave me all of the guidance I needed to become self sufficient.

Thank you for writing it Please see I.Q. on reddit in case you are curious about‖

Please see for the rest of the commentaries and the most recent posts.‖ For the better part of a year or so you sent this article on my blog to all your commenters. I received almost 20 people in the comments and I did not include a single comment which really took a lot of thought into it. Some of you asked to come to my blog so I can publish it. Some of you want to send a personal

TJ”, are aware of the power of this “gang mentality” in some African countries where they speak of how strong a sense of pride, even at any individual level, they show of being good citizens.

I am truly grateful that this book of great inspiration helped me and made me think about my own personal experiences. I am now going to share my personal experiences and give myself permission to share my story. The book will be written by other people and will come out a couple years after my life has happened. All people I talk with about this love, pride, power and inspiration have a great power to change their culture’ and we want to ensure that people are able to share their stories of inspiration with others.

I am very grateful to your book and the world to whom I write as a Black man.

If anyone has any ideas on the “Diversity in America” topic please do tell me‖: (please message) ‏@sandra_vander: it is not only about Black people‖ but also about their culture‖. Also let me know with the “what has to be done” questions:‖–‏@grizzlies‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖

Thank you to everyone who wrote on your post, I think it was not intended to be viral but was more to make people feel connected to you because we all have so much to learn in school. I hope we can keep on learning.‖ I also thank my parents who gave me all of the guidance I needed to become self sufficient.

Thank you for writing it Please see I.Q. on reddit in case you are curious about‖

Please see for the rest of the commentaries and the most recent posts.‖ For the better part of a year or so you sent this article on my blog to all your commenters. I received almost 20 people in the comments and I did not include a single comment which really took a lot of thought into it. Some of you asked to come to my blog so I can publish it. Some of you want to send a personal

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Huckleberry Finn And Southern White Boy. (October 12, 2021). Retrieved from