Neuroscience for Kids
Essay Preview: Neuroscience for Kids
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Neuroscience for Kids
3 interesting facts: Your brain gets energy from glucose, your brain is active even when youre sleeping, and the brain responds and adapts to its environment.3 things Id like to know: how do feelings change, where does emotion come from, and is love a function of the brain.

Frontal lobe: located in the front of the central sulcus, deals with reasoning, motor skills, planning, speech, emotions, and problem solving.
Parietal lobe: behind central sulcus, deals with touch, pain, pressure, and temperature.
Temporal lobe: behind lateral fissure, deals with hearing and memory
Occipital lobe: back of brain, deals with vision
2 functions of the ANS: parasympathetic and sympathetic
Sympathetic: pupil dilates, heart rate increases, bronchial muscle relaxes
Parasympathetic: pupil shrinks, heart rate decreases, and bronchial muscle contracts
Lesion Production: Destruction of a particular part of the brain
Electrical Brain Stimulation: Stimulation of a brain area by passing electrical current through an electrode.
Cell Body Staining: Coloring neurons to see individual neurons
12a. depressant
12b. low dose-
reduces tension
lowers inhibitions
impairs concentration
slows reflexes
impairs reaction time
reduces coordination
slur speech
cause drowsiness
alter emotions
breathing difficulties
12c. Increased turnover of norepinephrine and dopamine, decreased transmission in acetylcholine systems, increased transmission in GABA systems, and increased production of beta-endorphin in the hypothalamus

12d. 2 drinks
12e. yes
12f. I wish
12g. yes, because its wrong
12h. small head, mental retardation, poor coordination, hyperactivity, and abnormal facial features

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Heart Rate Increases And Frontal Lobe. (June 9, 2021). Retrieved from