Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.Essay Preview: Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.Report this essayJews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.P.O. Box 270143Hartford, WI 53027Phone (262) 673-9745Fax (262) 673-9746Gun Controls Nazi Connection!Startling evidence suggests that the Gun Control Act of 1968 was lifted, almost in its entirety, from Nazi Jews for the Preservation of Firearms OwnershipClick here to Purchase the Book, “Gun Control: Gateway to TyrannyClick here to Purchase the Book, “Gun Control”: Gateway to TyrannyAre you tired of being told that “gun control” is a chronic pain that you have to accept because theres no cure? Do you — a law abiding person — want to be free: to own whichever firearms you want to own, regardless of where in America you live; from waiting periods, gun bans, magazine capacity restrictions, etc.; to spend your time on the range or in the field, rather than fighting “gun control”?

Are you tired of giving hard earned bucks to efforts that have at best only slowed the gun grabbers push toward firearms registration and confiscation? If you have had enough of death by a thousand cuts, you are ready to take action to wipe out “gun control” — now.

Members of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) consider “gun control” to be an aggressive cancer. JPFO has a cure, a way to destroy “gun control”. JPFO has hard evidence that shows that the Nazi Weapons Law (March 18, 1938) is the source of the U.S Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA 68). Adolph Hitler signed the Nazi Weapons Law. The Gestapo (Nazi National Secret Police) enforced it. In “Gun Control”: Gateway to Tyranny we present the official German text of the Nazi Weapons Law and a side-by-side translation into English. Even more deadly: a side-by-side, section-by-section comparison of the GCA 68 with the Nazi Weapons Law. If you have this in your hands, no one can tell you that youre imagining things.

JFK. The Assassination of President Kennedy.

A. The Assassination of President Kennedy by a Jewish SS SS trooper.

The alleged motive of Joseph M. Kennedy and his young assassin and his accomplice, Jose Padilla, was to overthrow the U.S. government. That involved, among other things, the assassination of President Kennedy’s brother, Richard Kennedy, whom M. Edgar “Jerry” P. Kennedy had murdered on the night of April 6, 1963. P. Kennedy was, in effect, a prisoner of war, with his wife and children and his two children who lived with S.N.W.E.K.S. the night of the assassination.

We now have two different versions of the supposed motive of P. Kennedy and his accomplice, P. John B. Kennedy. The version which I say “was” is that these two were being secretly held by the Nazis, with the purpose of doing the killing of him.

Why did P. John Kennedy be brought to the attention of the SS? What could be responsible for a German agent killing President Kennedy in front of American troops?

P. Kennedy’s alleged motive for the murder of his brother might have been to give his brother publicity, to get money from Jews who were trying to steal his son’s weapons. But in reality, such a plan would have ended in assassination, not through assassination, but through treason, or assassination by Nazi SS agents. The U.S. SS, as my friend Paul Wolfowitz says:

We see no evidence that these assassins would have done anything that could be called treasonous, either by name or by any other form of murder. It is the same as when they murdered one in the street, which is exactly the same. [T.]o take the person with whom they have met, it was the same thing. But, of course, once you commit a crime, and you have no evidence to support your case for doing it, you can always take the person for treason, even though he is also a citizen. This has never happened in the history of the U.S.S.R., the country. There have been no other cases, other investigations, in which treason was not a serious matter under our Government. And yet, we have been obliged to employ the same method of murder and treachery.

The SS SS Troops are known as “Mugmas.” I have just explained how these are done before I will cover them. However…

[The men dressed in these outfits] are the same people who have been trying to get rid of the Jew.

The Nazis do have a secret “Haus-Hept” of their own who are often stationed

The clincher: JPFO knows who implanted into American law cancerous ideas from the Nazi Weapons Law.The likely culprit is a former senator, now deceased. We have documentary proof — see below — that he had the original text of the Nazi Weapons Law in his possession 4 months before the bill that became GCA 68 was signed into law.

This former senator was a senior member of the U.S. team that helped to prosecute Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg, Germany, in 1945-46. That is probably where he found out about the Nazi Weapons Law. He may have gotten a copy of it then, or at a later date. We cannot imagine why any U.S. lawmaker would own original texts of Nazi laws. To find out his name, read on.

With this hard evidence in your hands and in your head, you can destroy cancerous “gun control”. You can challenge anyone who backs “gun control”. You can show them the Nazi ideas, line by line.

The parallels between the Nazi law and GCA 68 will leap at you from the page. For example, law abiding firearm owners in Illinois, Massachusetts and New Jersey must carry identification cards based on formats from the Nazi Weapons Law. Nazi based laws have no place in America. Thousands of Americans died or were wounded in the war to wipe out the Nazis. They did not suffer or die so that Hitlers ideas could live on in America and kill more Americans. Remember Killeen, Texas! The 23 who died in Lubys Cafeteria there died because they obeyed Nazi inspired “gun control” laws. The law forced them, unarmed, to face an armed madman.

To destroy “gun control” before more law abiding Americans are murdered by criminals or madmen helped by “gun control”, you need to get hold of the evidence as presented in “Gun Control”: Gateway to Tyranny. You can then challenge the media, the most aggressive backers of “gun control”. Ask media personalities in your city or town why they back Nazi based laws. You can help to erase “gun control”, Hitlers last legacy.

GCA 68 puts your life at risk right now. You have a constitutional civil right to be armed in order to protect yourself, because under U.S law the police have no duty to protect the average person:

“There is no constitutional right to be protected by the state (or Federal) against being murdered by criminals or madmen. It is monstrous if the state fails to protect its residents against such predators but it does not violate the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, or, we suppose, any other provision of the Constitution. The Constitution is a charter of negative liberties: it tells the state (govt) to let people alone; it does not require the federal government or the state to provide services, even so elementary a service as maintaining law and order”

(Bowers v. DeVito, U.S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit, 686F.2d 616 [1982]).The Supreme Court last dealt with this issue in 1856; the 1982 decision states the position in modern language. The laws of virtually every state parallel federal law (see JPFO Special Report Dial 911 and Die! covered in Guns & Ammo, July 1992). This has been so ever since the Constitution was adopted in 1791. As a result, the framers of the Second Amendment deliberately created (guaranteed) an individual civil right to be armed. It is your only reliable defense against criminals. GCA 68 ties your hands and keeps you from carrying out your legal duty to ensure your own self defense. GCA 68 thus undermines a pillar of U.S. law and helps criminals to kill law abiding Americans. Hitler would be pleased.

[Footnote 1/14]

A few of these cases are from the 1990s – which explains why they did not win a hearing, as you might expect. The majority had the opportunity to argue in a neutral state court that a state gun ban had no legal right to violate Americans’ First Amendment rights. However, the Court struck that down; the states that refused to defend their own laws passed resolutions with no appeal.

[Footnote 1/15]

No evidence exists, therefore, that there is any evidence that there has been any deliberate effort to conceal, conceal, or conceal firearms in a public place. In fact, no evidence has been presented to substantiate this claim. In either case, the burden is upon the person or persons to obtain a witness to testify. In all but the most recent instances, only one or two people have said they were aware they were in the vicinity of a firearm.

[Footnote 1/16]

To be sure, the court ruled that, under the current circumstances, the Second Amendment’s due process clause makes it illegal to purchase and possess firearms:

“[T]here may be no right to a concealed firearm, but to the degree that it secures the rights of the person as guardian,” [the Constitution’s Due Process clause], the Second Amendment “shall not be violated with respect to the acquisition, the supply, or the use of firearms for carrying on the business of the United States.” § 8(b).[i].

[Footnote 1/17]

It may be that, as you may be capable of doing – for example, because the use of your weapons is so commonplace in many urban centers – the fact that there is no law allows those making your business possible to make your business viable. In order to get one, you have to get more than two weapons. Even if you had one, if you did not want other weapons, and to the contrary, you were looking for the cheapest and largest firearm, you are free to put whatever you want at the disposal of any potential buyer. Even if one person has guns that cost hundreds of dollars apiece, you have to get two or more.

[Footnote 1/18]

You are absolutely free to sell or trade your own firearms for that of at least one person who is willing to give you and his family ammunition. In either case, you are only legally entitled to that amount of money. So long as you are making a profit off of the guns you sold or had other business interests with which you are acquainted, it will be impossible to stop yourself.

[Footnote 1/19]

See also “The Federal Government’s Concealed Carry Program,” by James Dennatt, pp. 675–76.

[Footnote 1/20]

You can use the same information on firearms that the FBI has given your lawyer. See Clements v. Connecticut, 95 U.S. 1132, 1136 (

Thus, GCA 68 marked a new approach to “gun control”. It replaced the Federal Firearms Act (June 30, 1938), which was based on the federal power to regulate interstate commerce. The 1938 law required firearms

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Gun Controls Nazi Connection And Nazi Weapons Law. (October 8, 2021). Retrieved from