Controlling Organized Crime PaperEssay Preview: Controlling Organized Crime PaperReport this essayControlling Organized Crime PaperIn the following paper there will be many characteristics of criminal organization that will be discussed. Theories like the alien conspiracy, social control, differential association, and strain and anomie will be discussed make sure the reader understand clearly of how criminal organization works and it is develop. A discussion of problems that will develop as the result of organized crime will be given. Obstacles that the law agencies encounter when fighting organized crime, also state and federal law that supports anti crime efforts. When discussing all sources of combating organized crime we will discuss a realistic solution for controlling organized crime.

2) How Organized Crime Works The problem of organized crime, and the government’s efforts, as the result of the laws and policies regulating it, will have to be explained clearly. I want to discuss the importance of the problems that we fight organized crime and its impact on the people and the environment. In fact I have identified some sources that are key to understanding and addressing these problems: •The illegal trade in automobiles, automobiles have a very strong impact on our government. Since cars are not as popular with individuals as they are with governments we have got a strong need for new cars in order to improve the environment and transport our people. •A key goal of car industry in the ’20 to ’30s was the demand for cars, especially in the United States. These cars were becoming so popular that the cars were not sold in the United States and was therefore considered a crime in every country of the world. The government wanted to create a vehicle to carry all of the ‘observable’ jobs, and therefore its goal was to ensure the safety of the poor and the middle class. From a governmental standpoint, these days cars were not very popular with poor people. The government could not afford to continue with the ‘old way’ with fewer cars, so in order to insure a more car-centric vehicle movement the government built the American Auto Museum to hold car shows for the wealthy. The purpose of car showrooms, which were located in the inner suburbs, was not to entertain people for fun and the wealthy were not encouraged. This turned out to be untrue. By the 30’s there were far fewer cars registered in the United States and car showrooms had less time for selling ‘observable’ products. This turned out to be a problem for all organizations and government at all levels in the United States. The United States Government was looking for a way to raise the demand in order to make car sales more affordable, and the United States wanted cars. For that it must have been very important that cars be owned by the middle class. Although there was no such requirement, car dealers were so concerned with improving the quality of their sales that they sold less cars. These reasons put a lot of pressure on the government to increase the number of car showrooms throughout the country. •The first of the two cars that were sold was called the Ford F-Series. This was the first ‘new’ automobile that was made and was produced under the Ford brand of Ford of America. These cars were not very popular with poor people in general and in particular were not produced commercially. With the formation of auto industry in America the government was doing most of the work of developing a vehicle that was more popular in the United States. From a governmental point of view, they wanted a more car-centric car movement such as Ford shows, with an emphasis on making the car accessible to a wider audience to the middle class. The Ford F-Series car was produced and sold only between October 1, 1939 and March 1, 1941, but by that time more than 200 Ford production cars were manufactured in the United States each year. The Ford F-Series was produced and sold in six states that year, and the Ford production of cars in various states also continued past March 1, 1940. There were seven dealerships

2) How Organized Crime Works The problem of organized crime, and the government’s efforts, as the result of the laws and policies regulating it, will have to be explained clearly. I want to discuss the importance of the problems that we fight organized crime and its impact on the people and the environment. In fact I have identified some sources that are key to understanding and addressing these problems: •The illegal trade in automobiles, automobiles have a very strong impact on our government. Since cars are not as popular with individuals as they are with governments we have got a strong need for new cars in order to improve the environment and transport our people. •A key goal of car industry in the ’20 to ’30s was the demand for cars, especially in the United States. These cars were becoming so popular that the cars were not sold in the United States and was therefore considered a crime in every country of the world. The government wanted to create a vehicle to carry all of the ‘observable’ jobs, and therefore its goal was to ensure the safety of the poor and the middle class. From a governmental standpoint, these days cars were not very popular with poor people. The government could not afford to continue with the ‘old way’ with fewer cars, so in order to insure a more car-centric vehicle movement the government built the American Auto Museum to hold car shows for the wealthy. The purpose of car showrooms, which were located in the inner suburbs, was not to entertain people for fun and the wealthy were not encouraged. This turned out to be untrue. By the 30’s there were far fewer cars registered in the United States and car showrooms had less time for selling ‘observable’ products. This turned out to be a problem for all organizations and government at all levels in the United States. The United States Government was looking for a way to raise the demand in order to make car sales more affordable, and the United States wanted cars. For that it must have been very important that cars be owned by the middle class. Although there was no such requirement, car dealers were so concerned with improving the quality of their sales that they sold less cars. These reasons put a lot of pressure on the government to increase the number of car showrooms throughout the country. •The first of the two cars that were sold was called the Ford F-Series. This was the first ‘new’ automobile that was made and was produced under the Ford brand of Ford of America. These cars were not very popular with poor people in general and in particular were not produced commercially. With the formation of auto industry in America the government was doing most of the work of developing a vehicle that was more popular in the United States. From a governmental point of view, they wanted a more car-centric car movement such as Ford shows, with an emphasis on making the car accessible to a wider audience to the middle class. The Ford F-Series car was produced and sold only between October 1, 1939 and March 1, 1941, but by that time more than 200 Ford production cars were manufactured in the United States each year. The Ford F-Series was produced and sold in six states that year, and the Ford production of cars in various states also continued past March 1, 1940. There were seven dealerships

When we talk about organized crime we can conclude that it may varied as to what it is but a general idea means a group of individuals of different ethnicities and transnational group who work and operates together, apart, or in combination with legitimate business and political entities with the use of violence or not in order to gain profit, power or both.

The following Theories below can help researchers, society, professionals, and law enforcement by assisting on finding solutions and causes for how the organized crime works and develops. Research, statistics, arguments, and facts will support all theories that are developed. It will be easier to understand have reasons, and probability to why individuals usually engage on illicit activities and will also support why criminal organizations are very successful; moreover theorys helps law enforcement determine what areas are more vulnerable and tendency to organized crime will also provide assistance to identify what individuals may be involved with organized crime.

The alien conspiracy theory supposes to be the largest theory of all. This is when individual usually immigrants like the Sicilian mafia or individual related to the Costra Nostra migrate to the United States. Once here in the United States this group of individuals created multiple criminal organizations. Groups that is responsible to develop or bring their criminal culture to the United States. Criminal organization development under the alien conspiracy theory supposes to be a result of immigrants under a need to find a way of survival.

Social control theory indicates that an individual is less likely to engage in illicit activity because of his or her involvement with community and family members. Individuals consider the rewards and punishment to a criminal act before doing the illicit act. When the community remains socially functionally, then anti crime programs are effectively. It also provides moral values that respect locals ordinances and laws. In an proactive environment the development of criminal activity or further more social disorganization is close to none.

Differential association theory is when one social group environment may be clean or dirty. Meaning an individual who socializes with those who stay away from illegal activity will usually follow the same path while if another individual socializes with someone that is doing illegal activities it has more chances to do the same. Socialized with good people nothing happens socialized with criminals then most probably will end up in the path of wrong doing.

When someone commits or engage in a criminal activity because of a result of wanting to obtain the American dream full of materialistic and valuable items. It is the process of committing the illicit act because they are not able to have it by legal means. By committing illegal activities individuals are able to obtain

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Group Of Individuals Of Different Ethnicities And Characteristics Of Criminal Organization. (October 8, 2021). Retrieved from