Presentation And Important Of Location In Two Of The Short Stories By Katherine Mansfield
Essay Preview: Presentation And Important Of Location In Two Of The Short Stories By Katherine Mansfield
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Katherine Mansfields Short Stories
Discuss the presentation and important of location in two of the short stories you have studied
In this essay, I am going to discuss about the presentation and important of location in two of the short stories of Katherine Mansfield that I have studied. The two stories are “The Garden Party” and “An Indiscreet Journey”.

In “The Garden Party”, we have the Sheridans Family who live in the upper class side of an English Country. They are very high-class, educated, wealthy and always having a peaceful and happy life. They lived in a beautiful home with garden, tennis court and their fellow workers to help them out with their daily life which makes the Sheridans home a “Home Sweet Home” because it seems that they have everything that they wanted.

The title “The Garden Party” reflects the image of a beautiful garden with colourful blooming flowers dancing with land of green grass glowing under the sun in a beautiful day that grew in the garden. A very attracting and welcome image that would led people to gather at the garden to enjoy the wonderful scents and the perfect atmosphere that the nature have created, but in “The Garden Party”, the nature of the garden is artificial and imaginary because it is being created by the Sheridans gardener who does the mown and the flowers. It still looks very impressive, indeed. This image of a “garden party” would mostly be found in a very wealthy familys home or somewhere where people in the Upper Class of the society socialize.

Katherine Mansfield selected this beautiful scenery so that she could highlight the beautiful effects that a human-creation of a garden can also look so real and natural. The presentation of this story about the garden also linked to the similarity of the

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Garden Party And Beautiful Home. (July 7, 2021). Retrieved from