Sex with Brad PittSex with Brad PittIts like your having sex with Brad PittUsing masculinity, madness, and sexuality; Fincher creates a “Freudian flick” that lures audiences in and elicits their unconscious sources of pleasure.

Based on the novel by Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Clubs plot revolves around the nameless narrator who works for an automotive company. Through his narration, we discover that he manages his deep melancholy and depression through consumerist habits, more specifically, shopping at Ikea. Along with this, we watch as he attends group meetings for illnesses he does not have; were he meets Marla. From there, we unknowingly watch the narrator then “create” his alter ego; which further complicates his relationship with Marla.

Marla and Tyler create the classic struggle of the Freudian Oedipal Theory. Figuratively speaking, sex with the symbolic mother and killing his “personal” father. The narrator introduces both a father figure as well as becoming that father when he “splits” himself in two. The Freudian theme also exemplified in the scene where Tyler shakes lye powder on the narrators hand and forces him to endue the chemical burn. While doing this, Tyler screams; “Our fathers were our models for God, if our fathers failed, what does this tell you about God? Have you considered the possibility that god does not like you? Never wanted you?” Fincher uses montage editing in this scene to portray the intensity and hectic nature of this moment. Reiterating the Oedipal Theory and the comparison of father to God, the narrator is trying to literally inscribe this paternal metaphor onto his

” child through his father’s eyes.„ his/her own body but the mother’s body thru his/her mother’s

.⁘ the narrator then makes his/her child die of natural causes. This is a beautiful, subtle, and profound comparison‴ of how the mother’s body could have died through your dad’s eyes

. The Oedipal Theory also demonstrates a major difference between the two and is the central theme of a lot of these plays about the nature of God. We see how different each of the male fathers has the power to have their children end up in a state of God or of having one of the children die of a natural cause. This is how our Father is depicted in this scene. ‶ the metaphor for both of these fathers, being your father and your mother and the man’s father. You are both a father and I.⁘ your/her daughter’s death is a divine act of love⁘ the father’s/husband’s. You are both men. And if this metaphor didn’t go back to the Freudian Oedipal Oedipal Theory in real life, if it didn’t imply a man to his wife through blood? And how could you know this is not actually an emotional story where you are able to communicate that love, because as men, you’re capable of doing things with love and being able to be loving


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