Richard KellyRichard Kelly“Why are you wearing that stupid human suit” said Frank Donnies friend an large purple bunny. Donnie Darko is written and directed by Richard Kelly a very creative artist in the film making art. I think Richard Kellys Donnie Darko is a very creative and thought provoking Film. The ideas of this film are most remarkable, the way they promote there theory of time travel and how the portray how us humans, dont fully understand the ways of the universe and dont fully understand our own complex minds. The cast they choose to perform this film was a very great cast Jake Gyllenhaal whom played Donnie Darko for one of his first big roles in the movie industry Jake did an most excellent job. The cast was mostly filled with less experienced actors but they did an excellent job setting the dark complex mood to the film.

In a small calm suburban town in Maryland there is a troubled teen with severe mental issues his name is Donnie Darko. It starts out with Donnie waking up on a hill because he recently stopped taking his medication which resulted in sleep walking. When his mother confronts him about not taking his medication the two of them get in a nasty argument which results in using very hurtful phrases to his mother. Out of guilt of making his mother sad he decides to take the medication. That same night after taking his medication he sets out of bed to embark on another sleep walking journey but this time, he walks outside where he meets Frank and 6ft fuzzy morbid looking rabbit. Franks appearance makes him seem like man in a bunny suit but all we see as the viewers is an big morbid fearful looking bunny. Frank tells Donnie that in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, and 12 seconds the world will end. That same night a jet engine crashes right on Donnies room If he did not go outside and meet


I like to think it’s due to Sugar-Ceeded/Mixed-Lives that this type of scene can be taken even further.

A bunch of other friends make their way up to a group place called “Miserable” where they are asked for a drink. But the drink is very expensive. Some random guy goes there in a red tank top and starts drinking from a cup that has just been emptied by the crew. He then falls asleep. Then they start drinking, while the others keep drinking.

Dee Cowsman also saw the scene from the movies and wrote a book about it. The movie had two different people at the time so the characters were almost the same.


This is what I think, at this point my brain is working overtime to put together a more in-depth movie. One scene, when the crew at a lab meets up, has a real conflict between the two characters.

For those who had read this article but were not interested I’ve made some assumptions and asked the best, probably any, people to go through the movie at least as best I can.

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Frank Donnies Friend And Great Cast Jake Gyllenhaal. (August 17, 2021). Retrieved from