Research – Design Thinking
Essay Preview: Research – Design Thinking
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• Who Who does the food shopping?Spouse & me bothWho does the planning? SpouseWho influences the shopping process, or what is bought? Both Does more than one person go shopping? Yes sometimesWhat role does each person play in the process? Spouse does the shopping as per plan and I help in keeping track of time and budget•How How often do you shop for food? WeeklyIs it planned or spontaneous? Mostly planned very rarely spontaneousDo you make a list?Yes my spouse do that If so, what is your process for deciding what goes on the list? What are the urgent and important requirements, weekly budget and alternate best options in case of nonavailibility • WhereWhere do you shop? A big grocery chain? The local store? A food market? A big grocery storeWhy do you shop there? Maybe the staff know you, or they have the cheapest vegetables etc? Fresh and comparatively cheap vegetables• WhatWhat do you buy? Do you have “rules” or habits (e.g. only buy food that’s good for you; buy store brands whenever you can; look for ‘comfort foods’ you grew up with, etc.)? Only food that we enjoy eating, ‘comfortable food’ and then healthy optionsDo you look for promotions or use coupons? Why or why not? Yes we use them to get discounts whenever we think we are getting a good deal• What What happens, step by step, from the time you think about food shopping to the time you get home and put all your purchases away? We decide on items budget and day to go for shopping on the basis of our requirement. Then on the shopping day we choose a convenient time, time when we just want to refresh ourselves from other important chores of the day. We go for nearest grocery chain and try to minimize our time by sticking to the list.  We go to the aisles where we can get our items and check their current price and pick the stuff. We mostly finish shopping within 15-20 minutes and then try to look for any points accumulation or any other promotions at the time of billing or checking. Then we get back to place and spouse arranges the items as per their place. We once go through the receipt/bill to check items and prices to ensure no gaps. And then items are placed to their places.

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Food Shopping And Keeping Track Of Time. (June 17, 2021). Retrieved from