Ahistory of Conflict
A History of Conflict
The internal/internationally fueled conflict of the Israelis’ and Palestinians has been a vicious circle of hate and despair. The unrest vaguely began with the “First Zionist Congress”, in 1897 then spinning into tragedy with 133 Jewish and 110 Palestinian casualties. To know this incredibly undying feud one must first look at these origins. These events giving conscious thought to their feud is no more evident than the Establishment of Israel. “The State of Israel, the first Jewish state for nearly 2,000 years, was proclaimed at 1600 on 14 May 1948 in Tel Aviv.” The Palestinian people remember May 15th as the “al-Nakba”, translating to the Catastrophe. Both the Jewish and Palestinian forces started the year attacking the others territory, with the Jewish forces backed by Irgun and Lehi they were able to make much more progress. Irgun and Lehi committed there massacres in Deir Yassin on April 9th.

“Word of the massacre spread terror among Palestinians and hundreds of thousands fled to Lebanon, Egypt and the area now known as the West Bank. The Jewish armies were victorious in the Negev, Galilee, West Jerusalem and much of the coastal plain. The day after the state of Israel was declared five Arab armies from Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq immediately invaded Israel but were repulsed, and the Israeli army crushed pockets of resistance. Armistices established Israels borders on the frontier of most of the earlier British Mandate Palestine. Egypt kept the Gaza Strip while Jordan annexed the area around East Jerusalem and the land now known as the West Bank. These territories made up about 25% of the total area of British Mandate Palestine.”-Establishment of Israel

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First Zionist Congress And State Of Israel. (June 14, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/first-zionist-congress-and-state-of-israel-essay/