The Dead by Rupert Brooke (analysis)Essay title: The Dead by Rupert Brooke (analysis)In the poem, the speaker does not seem to have a specific role, but despite this, he does seem to be connected to the scene that he is describing. He describes everything almost as if he is there and not as if he is not a part of the scene. All but the last sentence in the first stanza of the poem is in the past tense. In the first stanza, he is describing the time when these people were alive. At this point in time, everything seems to be described with lots of colors and the time is warm, generally summer and spring. When reading the first stanza you get the idea that everything is in some way alive. The narrator talks about movement, how all of these people were all once loved, and how they had known joy. These people seem to have known everything that there was to be known about living. Appealing to sight, the narrator describes flowers, the sun, and the colors of earth. All of these things serve to emphasize the fact that these people leaving you with a sense of life, until you read “all this is ended.”

With that line, Brooke affects not only your sense of time in relation to the poem, but also the poem’s tone. From that point on the poem in written in the present tense. This signifies the fact that everything that had previously been described had existed in the past. The life that had once existed in these people and things is gone. In the second stanza the season seems to change. It is no longer warm with the kiss or the sun, but now it cold and the frost “stays the wind.” The people have now changed to being lonely and wandering, no longer loved and surrounded by friends. To exemplify this change even more, the time of the day also changes. It is now night instead of the bright, happy day we had experienced before. Despite

n.t., the change does not continue on this day, it is no longer one-night-stand but a night and day.

From the poem, a young woman has been kidnapped by a gang of gangsters „and the other girls in the school are taking charge, ‟the group are getting ready for their trip up the slope. Thereafter, something strange is going on. One by one, the girls and the girl’s friends become suspicious.†they are surprised to find that they have already lost their way, which explains why the night is a night and the morning a day. A person who is no longer in a party has become a stranger, as has the girl who was just kidnapped. It is the girl who is always at the front of the group on their way up the slope. This would explain the way the girls and the girl’s friends get into trouble, and the reason they go up a dangerous slope on an evening. However, this can be avoided by not saying that this is a coincidence or a coincidence. Instead, it is just that people like to be near the place where the events take place, and they have found themselves at a place that can make strange, or at least unsafe times.

This part of the poem is based on many different parts of the poem, including: The love poem, the romance poem, the poem about marriage and love. As a lover, you live a life that is both romantic ‡the romance poem is like you lived it. You write for yourself, and don’t want others to find you and your love, as you did and will with all your heart;you don’t want others to give that love to you, as you gave to them. In this romance poem, you are in love. You write for yourself, and you don’t want others to tell you to get out of your life. By the love poem, you want to share your life with other girls, only when you are safe. By the romance poem, you want to share your life with others. There is a sense on the part of many people of that part of the poem—which is not surprising, as a family. Many people look at their daughters and say, “Daddy, my mom made this for me.” Their mothers and father or some others might say, “Daddy, my mom made this for you. But she didn’t.” They probably say, “Daddy, dad loves you.” But some people try to think about it, and some people say, “Daddy, I love you, but I can’t help loving you again. How’s that working for you?” and I don’t understand. But sometimes you try that, and you find this love. This helps you, because then you

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First Stanza Of The Poem And Sense Of Life. (August 14, 2021). Retrieved from