Motorcycle Diaries Movie SummaryEssay Preview: Motorcycle Diaries Movie SummaryReport this essayMotorcycle DiariesDirected by Walter SallesAs most potential viewers know, this film is based on diaries and letters to home written by Ernesto “Che” Guevara during a motorcycle and foot tour of a significant portion of South America during the early 1950s, years before Guevara achieved international renown as a Communist and Latino revolutionary. Thus, the film functions as an attempt to get at the heart of the person who preceded the myth. The film is therefore difficult to judge as pure cinema. Is this, on its own merits, a great film? Or is it a great film about Che Guevara? Interestingly, the person I saw this film with knew absolutely nothing about the subject of the film before it started, and did not connect Ernesto Guevara with Che Guevara until very late in the film. Her reaction was interesting. Until she realized that it was about Che, she says that she considered it a decent but only slightly above average “road” picture, but it gained considerably in her estimation once she realized who the film was about. I think she was correct, and I would agree with those who feel that what merits the film has depends to some degree on who the film is about. If Ernesto hadnt become Che, it would be a good film but of considerably less interest than it is.

The film does a good job of rooting Ches eventual concern with the liberation of the oppressed by depicting his broad and constant encounters with everyday people throughout the continent. Camus wrote that it was important to side with the victims and not the executioners, and in his travels Ernesto spends most of his time with the victims. His near-epic exposure to the continent clearly condition his sympathies and inform his vision. At the end of the film it is easy to understand why Che chose a life dedicated to aiding the oppressed in Cuba and elsewhere. The great question left unanswered, and the one reason one can find Ches life morally troubling, is why he felt that the causes he espoused demanded a violent, military response. Why follow in the steps of Trotsky and Lenin rather than Gandhi? Apart from a single line which merely hints that Che felt violence might be necessary, the film doesnt come anywhere close to answering this question.


Cherry, F. J. (1947). “La Cholla FĂ©minin de Guadalajara: Che Guevara.” FĂ©minio D’Ambudiano.

Che Guevara, P., Cuba: A Documentary History (New York: Faber to Schulte, 1962).

D’Ambudiano, N. and F. J. Cherry (1948). The Historical and Contemporary Context of Cuba. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

El-Vernese, S. and M. Gebbia (1957). “La Cholla FĂ©minin de Guadalajara.” FĂ©minio D’Ambudiano.

Fertz, C., and O. C. Wies, eds. Cuban Revolution. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000.

Geeberle, E. R., and M. J. J. Fergusson (1967). “A History of the Cuban Revolution.” American Historical Review.

Hayes, J., and E. A. Lewis (1949). “An Italian Account of Cuba’s Revolution and the Post-Revolutionaries.” American Historical Review.

Hayes, J., J. R. Wies, and J. and M. J. Fergusson (1958). “The Cuban Revolution.” Foreign Affairs, August 1956. pp. 2, 35.

Hansen, W., and A. P. H. Thompson, eds. New Internationalism. New York: Harper & Row Ltd., 1965. pp. 4, 7.

Hansen, W., and D. C. Hirsch (1962). “The Contradiction of the Cuban Revolution.” International Relations Review.

Laniger, N. R., and C. S. Laniger. (1975). “Castro and Castro: A New Analysis of the Situation in Cuba.” The Political Studies Review.

Martin, J., and U. Ulschmannke, eds. (1967). “Punishing and Negotiating: The Cultural and Political Consequences of Revolution and National Development in Cuba.” In C. L. Martin (ed.), Politics in Latin America. London & New York: Routledge, pp. 159-202.

M. J. Fergusson, ed., The History of Contradiction. New York: Penguin Books, 1970.

Marion, M. J. and J. J. Morton (1951). What Does It Mean to Love a Slave? Theoretical and Political Essays. London & New York: Wiley, 1983. pp. 71-107.

Martinez, M. A. (1959). “The Social Sciences as Ideology.” American Sociological Review.

Perez, F., and B. N. Pestos (1962). The Politics of Liberation. New York: Harper & Row Inc., 1962.

Reagan’s War in Nicaragua


Cherry, F. J. (1947). “La Cholla FĂ©minin de Guadalajara: Che Guevara.” FĂ©minio D’Ambudiano.

Che Guevara, P., Cuba: A Documentary History (New York: Faber to Schulte, 1962).

D’Ambudiano, N. and F. J. Cherry (1948). The Historical and Contemporary Context of Cuba. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

El-Vernese, S. and M. Gebbia (1957). “La Cholla FĂ©minin de Guadalajara.” FĂ©minio D’Ambudiano.

Fertz, C., and O. C. Wies, eds. Cuban Revolution. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000.

Geeberle, E. R., and M. J. J. Fergusson (1967). “A History of the Cuban Revolution.” American Historical Review.

Hayes, J., and E. A. Lewis (1949). “An Italian Account of Cuba’s Revolution and the Post-Revolutionaries.” American Historical Review.

Hayes, J., J. R. Wies, and J. and M. J. Fergusson (1958). “The Cuban Revolution.” Foreign Affairs, August 1956. pp. 2, 35.

Hansen, W., and A. P. H. Thompson, eds. New Internationalism. New York: Harper & Row Ltd., 1965. pp. 4, 7.

Hansen, W., and D. C. Hirsch (1962). “The Contradiction of the Cuban Revolution.” International Relations Review.

Laniger, N. R., and C. S. Laniger. (1975). “Castro and Castro: A New Analysis of the Situation in Cuba.” The Political Studies Review.

Martin, J., and U. Ulschmannke, eds. (1967). “Punishing and Negotiating: The Cultural and Political Consequences of Revolution and National Development in Cuba.” In C. L. Martin (ed.), Politics in Latin America. London & New York: Routledge, pp. 159-202.

M. J. Fergusson, ed., The History of Contradiction. New York: Penguin Books, 1970.

Marion, M. J. and J. J. Morton (1951). What Does It Mean to Love a Slave? Theoretical and Political Essays. London & New York: Wiley, 1983. pp. 71-107.

Martinez, M. A. (1959). “The Social Sciences as Ideology.” American Sociological Review.

Perez, F., and B. N. Pestos (1962). The Politics of Liberation. New York: Harper & Row Inc., 1962.

Reagan’s War in Nicaragua

In many ways, the star of the film is the South American continent. I have seen many films over

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