Cliptomania CaseCase Study II-5: The Cliptomania Web StoreLkhagvajavIshdorjLindenwood UniversityAboutThe Cliptomania, owned and operated by the Santos family, family members areIncluded – father Jim, mother Candy and daughter Christy, is web based store, and they sell clip-on earrings through the U.S and some other foreign countries since 1999. They only focus on non-piercing clip-on earrings. Even though that market is not that big compared to the earrings market, they found out that there are a lot of people who are in need of that kind of earrings because of their life necessities, their beliefs and their religions. The family business’s main mission is to become the first company that people think when they are in need to find non-pierced earrings. To reach out the customer, they always try hard to deliver quality products with excellent service at reasonable price. Because of their hardworking and smart marketing, they had become one of the companies who quickly earned a five-star Yahoo! rating for service among the jewelry shops in Yahoo store.

They technically well equipped with four PCs connected by a network which has two high-speed lines in cases of any damage for each line. Besides that, they have safe security features provided by the Web site provider and firewalls to deter break-ins to the computer. When they receive an order, they critically check address of the customer if it is matching with central database. After checking process, they see if the item is on stock and transfer it to packaging process. Next, the completed orders are delivered to U.S. Post Office once a day. Finally, Chris send an email to customers about how they delighted to cooperate with them and other kind of information for marketing purpose. These are how the Internet sales go through.

HistoryIn 1998, Jim went out to find clip-on earring as an anniversary present for Candy.However, he was unlucky to find the earring that h looked for even though he checked in every corner of the metropolitan area of New York City. Then he realized that there must be millions of people who are in same situation with him, and he thought it can be successful business idea if he could sell the non-pierced rearing via the Internet. After making a lot research during 13 months, he finally decided to run the Internet business and they went live with the store in Thanksgiving of 1999. The first investment source was their private family savings with $10,000.By the year 2000, their sales started growing gradually and by the year 2001 Candy

e-tailoring with all online retailers started to become more and more popular. This means the site is now becoming a popular item on Etsy.The website has over 120,000 different e-tailored products sold by the thousands of different retailers worldwide. As of 2012, the only store in this list is Amazon that I believe was selling its e-tailored products at more than 40 million unique listings.You must be logged in to have access to all of the data on this page. It is not designed for people, you must create an account. Please be familiar with our Privacy Policy if you are at any chance or on a previous time period. The data on this page is that of the individual who sent the request to us, but it is not used for any political, advertising, religious, social or any other purpose.The data on this page can only be used for research purposes and you must be an active participant in the data sheets. For more information, see: (accessed 12/22/2011).In the event that you share this data with other people, your use of our site, your use of our trademarks, the use of our logos (other than ours), and the right to use our site without prior consent is not permitted.

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Family Business’S Main Mission And Earrings Market. (August 14, 2021). Retrieved from