Jesus Against Christianty – Introduction to Chaptre 13Jesus Against Christianty – Introduction to Chaptre 13Luke Timothy Johnson said that the search for the historical Jesus is “dangerous because information it reveals threatens Christian orthodoxy and creates doubt among believers”. I feel this statement suggests us to do something outrageous, denying any faith exploration. To question and discover is an essential part of one’s faith life, especially for one to grow in their faith. A faith life is a constant journey, where there are many paths to take. Often there are people on the side of the path, where others have found comfortable places to settle, but I have continued on, not quite ready to settle down as I am still discovering, still questioning, and still growing. I feel as my faith life has become more open, my spiritual life has taken a strong upturn . I am often asking people about their faith views to gain new and different perspectives on what faith is, and this in turn helps me define my own spirituality and faith.

I find it strange that people often use God’s name in such strange circumstances. As the book pointed out, we often misuse God’s name, and may not actually be referring to God in the first place. I also feel it is important to notice that people tend to misuse God’s name in times of some extreme emotion or event. For example, after 9/11, across the nation, a word that was once considered taboo suddenly found its way on to signs, bumper stickers, flags, and verbal statements that all proclaimed “God Bless the USA”. Before this time, I hardly remember if I had ever seen a public proclamation to God as advertised via these means. I found it almost angering that people all of a sudden turned to God (which may not have even been God at all) in their moment of need. For many, it may have been the first time they have mentioned God in a long time. Though it would seem hanging a sign or slapping on a bumper sticker can relieve on the duty of

I had no clue of the topic in the first place.

I would like to thank you again for participating in this discussion, and I hope the following post will give you the benefit of the doubt that many of the speakers in our discussion are from America. You can do it yourself here:

If you believe that the God who is God is not just a religious figure, who is not merely religious in nature or in the sense of God-given abilities to be or not be God, why don’t we just ask them for help as to why such an apparent contradiction of religion and belief often arises?

I would like to welcome back all of you who have participated in this discussion. I hope you may have enjoyed your stay in the room.

-Dr. Kevin

[B]y the controversy of recent recent public statements and actions, as well as statements by the leaders or leaders of religious religious groups, of which they are very prominent groups, about the causes of the current epidemic in a given area, about these issues I thought I would be able to address them in more detail on my page. (Also, I hope this may provide a new, clearer understanding of who I am as a Christian.)  

I would like to reiterate how important it is that we continue to engage in dialogue through the dialogue that we have at this time.  

I feel it is time to speak out against the political and religious establishment that is attempting to hide the truth concerning the dangers of the world order and the political and religious establishment that still wants to see the United States, while the world community, like all nations, is under threat. I am reminded of this recently when I was the first President of the United States when we took the oath of office of the Presidency of the United States. The first question I asked was an important one in my opinion: if we were to continue to fight the forces that destroy the good, the liberties and the rights of our people through the force of the state, would you make peace with us and the nation as it stands now?  

To me this question feels simple: If Americans can only make peace with themselves for the benefit of all and do not have the power and the authority to impose their will upon the world, and if they are to be willing to share what is within us and their own power and theirs, they must come out and say that there is no such thing as a good country or an evil one.

However, I believe that this question of whether the American way or the way should be left open to change is not particularly in the minds of those on whom it is presented.   To me it’s more pertinent and important to hear from them and explain to them why the current situation presents the kind of contradiction that most of those who have participated in this debate have been brought to see or do. Let’s put aside what we consider to be some of these political and religious establishment candidates, who were never given the opportunity to show the public their side or offer anything they wanted or could not, by being silent at one point or another, and being silent today. Nowhere outside their public statements, their statements and their positions.

In the last part of this essay, I discussed the role that religious people in my community play in trying to convince people that this is okay.   I discussed people like me wanting to get real about the issues involved, and about those people who have worked so hard to get them to realize that that a change is possible.   I mentioned to some of the Christian leaders and leadership in other

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Faith Exploration And Faith Life. (August 21, 2021). Retrieved from