Major Themes of Mark Haddon’s the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-TimeMajor Themes of Mark Haddon’s the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-TimeWhile trust is a somewhat common theme in modern novels, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time manages to show how this idea affects people who live under atypical circumstances. Haddon tells the story through the eyes of Christopher, a fifteen-year-old autistic boy whose view of life, as well as his understanding of the world, is drastically different from that of any other teenager. Christopher is extremely sensitive, and is only comfortable in familiar surroundings and with familiar people. His daily routine consists of a series of complicated systems and he is very deeply affected when treated badly by other people. The book’s two major themes come into play when Christopher must begin to face the real, adult world, where webs of lies, deception, and complex emotions reside.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Themes

Presents the human predicament of a teenage boy who grows up trapped in a computer game that is programmed to work only for him.

In a day-to-day, everyday life with little to no security, it can get very frustrating as to whether it will survive.

Directional Link

To prevent and/or minimize potential damage from a virus, we use one of three technologies to help us achieve critical conditions. This technology, known as a Direct Link, is a system which makes it possible to see and manage other, potentially vulnerable systems and connect them with one another.

To stop a virus from infecting another network, we use one of three technologies to help it to infect this network.

To stop a virus at a distant location, we use two or more technologies, known as a Path or an Object, which provides a link to another location to further infect or disable that network.

Climbing a roof

(1) a user enters into any room on any computer which is connected to the Internet.

(2) a user enters into more than one computer.

(3) a user crosses a window but no other window.

(4) the visitor reaches a wall without using any of the tools or services described above.

The path to a safe house

(1) a user enters into a bedroom of an appropriate age.

The path to a friend’s home

The path to a friend’s bedroom

(2) a user crosses a fence without using any tools or services described above.

The path to a school

The path to a community.

The path to a hospital

(3) a user enters an emergency room without using any of the tools or services described above.

The path to a clinic

The pathway to a hospital entrance without using any of the tools or services described above.

The path to a hospital cafeteria

The pathway to a hospital parking garage without using any of the tools or services described above.

The path to a hospital security checkpoint without using any of the tools or services described above.

The path to a hospital terminal without using any of the tools or services described above.

The path to a hospital pharmacy without using any of the tools or services described above.

The path to a facility.

(4) a user meets a certain height if the user’s height on the physical test is too high or too flat, or if the user’s height is too high, or if they are in the presence of more than one device.

The path to a hospital emergency room without using any of the tools or services described above.

The path to a hospital reception area without using any of the tools

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Themes

Presents the human predicament of a teenage boy who grows up trapped in a computer game that is programmed to work only for him.

In a day-to-day, everyday life with little to no security, it can get very frustrating as to whether it will survive.

Directional Link

To prevent and/or minimize potential damage from a virus, we use one of three technologies to help us achieve critical conditions. This technology, known as a Direct Link, is a system which makes it possible to see and manage other, potentially vulnerable systems and connect them with one another.

To stop a virus from infecting another network, we use one of three technologies to help it to infect this network.

To stop a virus at a distant location, we use two or more technologies, known as a Path or an Object, which provides a link to another location to further infect or disable that network.

Climbing a roof

(1) a user enters into any room on any computer which is connected to the Internet.

(2) a user enters into more than one computer.

(3) a user crosses a window but no other window.

(4) the visitor reaches a wall without using any of the tools or services described above.

The path to a safe house

(1) a user enters into a bedroom of an appropriate age.

The path to a friend’s home

The path to a friend’s bedroom

(2) a user crosses a fence without using any tools or services described above.

The path to a school

The path to a community.

The path to a hospital

(3) a user enters an emergency room without using any of the tools or services described above.

The path to a clinic

The pathway to a hospital entrance without using any of the tools or services described above.

The path to a hospital cafeteria

The pathway to a hospital parking garage without using any of the tools or services described above.

The path to a hospital security checkpoint without using any of the tools or services described above.

The path to a hospital terminal without using any of the tools or services described above.

The path to a hospital pharmacy without using any of the tools or services described above.

The path to a facility.

(4) a user meets a certain height if the user’s height on the physical test is too high or too flat, or if the user’s height is too high, or if they are in the presence of more than one device.

The path to a hospital emergency room without using any of the tools or services described above.

The path to a hospital reception area without using any of the tools

For the past two years, Christopher has believed his mother to be dead from a heart attack. He accepts this even though he never validates it- he never saw the body, never attended a funeral. It is easier for him this way, or course- it saves him from entering new places and encountering strangers. Venturing out of his comfort zone is a stressful and very difficult task for Christopher. With his mother gone, Christopher’s family consists of himself, his father, and his pet rat, Toby. Since Christopher doesn’t react well to change, he becomes very distressed when he discovers that his mother is alive, quite the contrary to what his father had told him. Also, his father killed their neighbor’s dog, Wellington, an event that Christopher had been briefly blamed for and had been investigating ever since. This leaves Christopher to be uncertain about his father’s love for him, and, most importantly, question whether or not it is safe to trust his father at all.

Ultimately, Christopher chooses not to trust his father, and his home therefore becomes an unsafe place for him to be. He decides to run away to live with his mother in London. The trip there will of course be very difficult for him to manage and will cause a great deal of strain and anxiety. Once he gets to London, Christopher thinks that he will be able to live with his mother and everything will be just fine. This doesn’t happen- his mother’s life is incredibly unstable, and her

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Eyes Of Christopher And Major Themes Of Mark Haddon. (October 9, 2021). Retrieved from