Body ImageEssay Preview: Body ImageReport this essayLooking at the ad many obvious observations can be made. You see a female bent over a toilet. Then you notice the writing on the ad. Then you realize that it is an ad for the widely marketed perfume Obsession. Hey wait a minute. When did obsession start making ads where women were bent over on the toilet? Oh, I see. Thats when it clicks. Its not really an ad on the perfume obsession but really a joke or parody on the perfume name. It has become an Obsession for women to have the ideal body type.

Looking at the picture from an examiners point of view, I notice the women and everything about her. You can immediately tell why she is sitting on the floor in a fetal position over the toilet. She is anorexic. You can tell mostly by her protruding spine. The spine is seen as the backbone of any human being. It is seen as what keeps us standing and walking everyday. It can almost be said to be our strength. Hers on the other hand is exposed which is a sign that her strength is exposed. This reminds me of the story in the Bible where Sampson exposes that it is his hair that gives him his strength. Now anyone could basically have control over him if they cut his hair. He is now vulnerable to any attacks, just like in the ad. The lady is now vulnerable to all outside attacks whether it be a disease or even death. To me the creators of this ad got the pathos right, in that they effectively engage the audiences emotions. They would probably be able to draw sympathy and concern from any typical person.

In large font across the top of the ad it reads, “Obsession” and at the bottom in a smaller font it reads, “For women.” There is one main point that these words are trying to get across. It is that anorexia becomes an obsession for women. All around us to day are stereotypical images of how women should look. These images are usually images of models. Many women see these images and feel that they dont live up to these standards of beauty and in turn take extreme measures in order to attain that beauty. The ad is sort of telling us that this is what happens when women try to look like CK models (logos). They are basically destroying their physical state and mental state.

Advertisers often emphasize sexuality and the importance of physical attractiveness in an attempt to sell products. In recent survey by Teen People magazine, 27% of the girls felt that the media pressures them to have a perfect body, and a poll conducted in 1996 by the international ad agency Saatchi and Saatchi found that ads made women fear being unattractive or old. Advertisements emphasize thinness as a standard for female beauty, and the bodies shown in the media are frequently different of normal, healthy women. In fact, todays fashion models weigh 23% less than the average female. In one study, 69% of girls said that magazine models influence their idea of the perfect body shape. Women frequently compare their bodies to those they see around them, and that exposure to idealized body images lowers womens satisfaction with their own attractiveness.

• Advertisers often emphasize attractiveness and value people’s sexual desire. In an interview with Wrote magazine, a woman writes, “Sometimes a man feels beautiful even though he does not understand why women like him because he is so much faster and so confident he’s attractive, but it becomes more difficult knowing that he has to change his attitude.” In a research by the National Bureau of Economic Research study, 47% of college students think that advertisements are more important than women with the same sex. Advertisements give men less value for their women, while women are more likely to read, spend less money, and spend more time with the wrong clothes. In one study, 63% of the men admitted that they were willing to pay extra for better bodies if they felt they were better at their job. In another study, 55% of female college students said advertisements were the most important. In another survey conducted in 1999, women in the public and private sectors were more willing than women to look at magazines for sex, with 65% of respondents in the public and 39% in the private sector. Among college students, only 44% said advertisements “impact those who want to be well-dressed or attractive, more on the personal side. Women are not nearly as willing as men to feel they have been shown what-if-not attractive” but they still rate ads promoting men’s bodies as more important. However, research suggests that women are more likely to think that other people want men’s bodies for their own in-person sex-related activities and that this may have a negative impact on their sexual success. In a recent survey by CTA in the U.S., 47% of women say that advertising doesn’t have any effect on their sexual performance. A recent study by University of Colorado psychologist Lina Geller found that research shows that women and men are even willing to be photographed outside of the bedroom and for sexual pleasure. Research shows that advertisements affect women’s sexual performance because they highlight the men’s sex appeal. In a study conducted by the International Psychology Association, women expressed much higher acceptance of their attractiveness without any help from other women’s bodies than did men. One study found that advertising, as men tend to be, has a major effect on women’s relationshipability and their attractiveness. The study findings suggest that advertisements influence women’s ability to see that their personal appearance is one of the factors responsible for a man’s success in the dating game. In one study, 50% of men admitted to not being willing to take care of one’s appearance without guidance from other women’s bodies, and more men admitted to paying attention to their beauty without actually caring about it. • Advertisers want to sell products that are attractive. Advertisers have the ability to sell product in the hopes that they can sell it more quickly or they will think that women will come in and watch them while they make it through the same level of scrutiny. Advertisements give men a sense of sexual satisfaction by attracting women so they are more likely to have women at their beck and call than men are to feel satisfied with their bodies and their physical appearance. That’s exactly why they would try to reach the right people. Women have lower levels of sexuality motivation in their relationships. More women (and men) tend to have sex sooner, having sex more often when they have less control over their body. Advertisements are more effective at keeping people in their bodies and making them “look beautiful.” Women in

Safer, more appealing to the eyes, and the lowest cost; the body image and attractiveness of teenagers is still pretty much the same in a world where women can buy more expensive clothes, while men often get a discount. Although there is some confusion over which model is a good fit with women, most people see model Adriana LaGarene as the most attractive women in their life. LaGarene has the most beautiful face and is known for her very soft legs and slim-fitting bod. LaGarene’s beauty comes as an integral part of what the designer and designer business sees as a man’s best shot at fame and fortune. On her website she explains “I am an athlete. In this sport I try to be an athlete, because in every competition that I compete in the most I get rewarded. To win, I have to be great. You cannot always be great enough. It also means the more I look at you, the deeper the motivation to succeed in the world…” LaGarene is known as a highly skilled and successful person. Her website states in part: “Adriana LaGarene lives life in action, and the passion for the sport of women’s physical beauty lives deep in her heart. In her humble beginnings she used her strength of self-confidence to challenge herself to succeed in her field. She has always dreamed of a life where she can be the perfect individual.” Lately, she has become a dedicated follower of the brand motto of LaGarene Le Bon, that is “Always make sure you are a good model. I believe the most beautiful people can only live in a world where they can get fame and fortune…If you are a good model, then you will achieve success and it will take you more than anything…so give attention to your body and you will get more.” LaGarene Le Bon has also been quoted as saying: “Every girl is a good model…Don’t be afraid to work hard. That means that you are going to get promoted and there are a lot of women who will get promoted. Do your best…don’t forget that every beauty is her own and that she will not be able to give any kind of support to everybody. She is never alone, she is there for you but she is not like every other model she has seen.” With her website, LaGarene says that she would like to focus more on her body as a business model which means that the business of modeling comes with a wealth of benefits for the model, including increased recognition and the promotion of other models. LaGarene, who recently won her first Grammy for “Best Model”, says that her personal career was shaped by her success as a model. According to LaGarene, success is “inherently defined in beauty at all stages but as a business.” In a recent survey by the International Association of Models (IAMI), LaGarene has seen an increase in the number of female models and other popular models. For example, Eloise van den Berg says in the ad “It’ll have been 100 years since the first female model wore a bikini”.

Safer, more appealing to the eyes, and the lowest cost; the body image and attractiveness of teenagers is still pretty much the same in a world where women can buy more expensive clothes, while men often get a discount. Although there is some confusion over which model is a good fit with women, most people see model Adriana LaGarene as the most attractive women in their life. LaGarene has the most beautiful face and is known for her very soft legs and slim-fitting bod. LaGarene’s beauty comes as an integral part of what the designer and designer business sees as a man’s best shot at fame and fortune. On her website she explains “I am an athlete. In this sport I try to be an athlete, because in every competition that I compete in the most I get rewarded. To win, I have to be great. You cannot always be great enough. It also means the more I look at you, the deeper the motivation to succeed in the world…” LaGarene is known as a highly skilled and successful person. Her website states in part: “Adriana LaGarene lives life in action, and the passion for the sport of women’s physical beauty lives deep in her heart. In her humble beginnings she used her strength of self-confidence to challenge herself to succeed in her field. She has always dreamed of a life where she can be the perfect individual.” Lately, she has become a dedicated follower of the brand motto of LaGarene Le Bon, that is “Always make sure you are a good model. I believe the most beautiful people can only live in a world where they can get fame and fortune…If you are a good model, then you will achieve success and it will take you more than anything…so give attention to your body and you will get more.” LaGarene Le Bon has also been quoted as saying: “Every girl is a good model…Don’t be afraid to work hard. That means that you are going to get promoted and there are a lot of women who will get promoted. Do your best…don’t forget that every beauty is her own and that she will not be able to give any kind of support to everybody. She is never alone, she is there for you but she is not like every other model she has seen.” With her website, LaGarene says that she would like to focus more on her body as a business model which means that the business of modeling comes with a wealth of benefits for the model, including increased recognition and the promotion of other models. LaGarene, who recently won her first Grammy for “Best Model”, says that her personal career was shaped by her success as a model. According to LaGarene, success is “inherently defined in beauty at all stages but as a business.” In a recent survey by the International Association of Models (IAMI), LaGarene has seen an increase in the number of female models and other popular models. For example, Eloise van den Berg says in the ad “It’ll have been 100 years since the first female model wore a bikini”.

Safer, more appealing to the eyes, and the lowest cost; the body image and attractiveness of teenagers is still pretty much the same in a world where women can buy more expensive clothes, while men often get a discount. Although there is some confusion over which model is a good fit with women, most people see model Adriana LaGarene as the most attractive women in their life. LaGarene has the most beautiful face and is known for her very soft legs and slim-fitting bod. LaGarene’s beauty comes as an integral part of what the designer and designer business sees as a man’s best shot at fame and fortune. On her website she explains “I am an athlete. In this sport I try to be an athlete, because in every competition that I compete in the most I get rewarded. To win, I have to be great. You cannot always be great enough. It also means the more I look at you, the deeper the motivation to succeed in the world…” LaGarene is known as a highly skilled and successful person. Her website states in part: “Adriana LaGarene lives life in action, and the passion for the sport of women’s physical beauty lives deep in her heart. In her humble beginnings she used her strength of self-confidence to challenge herself to succeed in her field. She has always dreamed of a life where she can be the perfect individual.” Lately, she has become a dedicated follower of the brand motto of LaGarene Le Bon, that is “Always make sure you are a good model. I believe the most beautiful people can only live in a world where they can get fame and fortune…If you are a good model, then you will achieve success and it will take you more than anything…so give attention to your body and you will get more.” LaGarene Le Bon has also been quoted as saying: “Every girl is a good model…Don’t be afraid to work hard. That means that you are going to get promoted and there are a lot of women who will get promoted. Do your best…don’t forget that every beauty is her own and that she will not be able to give any kind of support to everybody. She is never alone, she is there for you but she is not like every other model she has seen.” With her website, LaGarene says that she would like to focus more on her body as a business model which means that the business of modeling comes with a wealth of benefits for the model, including increased recognition and the promotion of other models. LaGarene, who recently won her first Grammy for “Best Model”, says that her personal career was shaped by her success as a model. According to LaGarene, success is “inherently defined in beauty at all stages but as a business.” In a recent survey by the International Association of Models (IAMI), LaGarene has seen an increase in the number of female models and other popular models. For example, Eloise van den Berg says in the ad “It’ll have been 100 years since the first female model wore a bikini”.

Another point that I notice is how the woman has her hand over her stomach and her bent down over the toilet. She gives me the impression that she has maybe just thrown up. She looks like she is in pain from the way she is holding her stomach and is scrunched over the toilet. With her head bent down it seems as though she is ashamed of what she is doing. I picture her asking herself in her head, “why?” She is probably crying and at the

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Examiners Point Of View And Ideal Body Type. (October 4, 2021). Retrieved from