Lord of the Rings IJoin now to read essay Lord of the Rings IBibliographical Information:J.R.R. Tolkien , Lord Of The Rings. New York: Ballentine Books, 1965Cast of Characters:Frodo- the main character and new owner of the ring.Sam- Frodos brotherSauron- and evil beingGollum- stole the ring the second timeBombaldi- old friend of FrodoThe story starts with the twentieth birthday-party for Frodo Baggins, a Hobbit who lives with his brother Sam in a mythical land called the Shire. Frodo owns a magic Ring which makes him invisible when he wears it, a gift from his cousin Bilbo who stole it from the hoard of a Dragon years ago.

One day the old wizard Gandalf comes to the Shire, and he tells Frodo of an evil being named Sauron who wants to capture the Ring for himself. In ages long past Sauron stole the Ring from the Elves, to protect him from the Powers of Good; but the Ring was stolen from him by a creature named Gollum,and then stolen from Gollum by the Dragons, and then from the Dragons by Bilbo, who finally gives it freely to Frodo. “Sauron has been searching for the Ring for years,” Gandalf tells Frodo, “and now he has sent his ally, the evil Witch-king, to the Shire to look for it.” Frodo and Sam consult with their loyal friends Merry and Pipsqueak, and when the evil Witch-king appears with his nine servants the clever hobbits trick them into going into a mushroom-patch, disorienting the witches just long enough to escape the Shire.

Then a young dwarf named Peter comes from the Shire, and he tells the young couple of why the Ring is needed.

Peter is wise, a wise man, and wise people, but he is also stubborn, and he will follow the will of the Lord. He says he is waiting for Gandalf, but he does not even know when Gandalf will arrive.

. . . … . . . . . . . . . . [Goddamn the Thing, &#7822]

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  • Gandalf’s secret is so simple: he tells him that he is looking for a dragon. The spell Gollum gives him in return will give him the Ring of the Unbreakable Vow, ẎGandalf says that he will be in trouble if he doesn’t try. But his only option is to tell the dragon’s name.
  • If he cannot tell it then it will be known to be Sauron’s. He is not interested in telling Gandalf, but he does want Sauron. The dragon cannot possibly resist his message.
  • The dragon’s voice is loud to the Dwarves… and soon, they see Gandalf in great peril, after Gandalf leaves for the world and the Fellowship. And Gandalf can tell that this doesn’t mean he’s coming with them.
  • The dragon flies off into the night like a fish caught in the net. It has a large face and the eyes of a fish and has eyes that look like eyes. Like a giant sea fish, it has jaws and wide eyes. It doesn’t have any head. And the dragon flies like a great black dog with claws and tails, like a great black dog that could take out human life.
  • When Gandalf returns the wizard is shocked when he sees this new beast, as though it were his own hand
  • Efforts are under way to steal the ring and the Dragon, but Sauron is too distracted to do the job. Gandalf tells him he needs to find the ring safely and quickly, but is too late to save them. The creature’s wings fly far away by itself and as he thinks about it, the creature flies away.
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