Essay On Goals-Business Size

Essay About Usesstatement Of Cash Flows1 And Industry Analysisconsumer Analysiscompetitive Analysiscorporate Size
Pages • 1

Business2257cheatsheet Hour 1-Role, decision, goals-Business size-up (REMEMBER IMPLICATIONS)Industry analysisConsumer analysisCompetitive analysisCorporate size-up (corporate capabilities)Hour 2-Make SCFIncreaseDecreaseAssetUseSourceLiabilitySourceUseEquitySourceUseAdd sources, subtract usesStatement of Cash Flows1. OperationsNet Income (after tax)Add: Depreciation (from statement of earning)Add: loss on sale OR Subtract: gain on saleAdd/Subtract: Changes in current accountsAdd/Subtract Changes in Working Capital (from SoFP)Accounts ReceivableInventoryAccounts PayablesNET CASH FLOW FROM OPERATIONS2. FinancingAdd/Subtract:.

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