Employment Background Check – Research Paper – smile23
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Employment Background Check
Employers should weigh the advantages and disadvantages when choosing whether or not to conduct background checks. In most states pre-employment background checks are allowed.  The primary advantage of a pre-employment background checks is to try an ultimate the possibility of a hiring catastrophe. Utilizing background checks in a hiring process can also protect the company from future litigation. Pre Employment background checks verifies several areas of an potential employees information this includes schools attended degrees attained, past work history, performance. An employer that does backgrounds may detour appilcants that has something to As a result, the company can avoid wasting resources on a complicated recruitment process. This means that pre-employment screening can help the company hire the right employees with minimum investment.Avoidance of Negligent Hiring Litigation: is one of the most important advantages of background screening. Employers can be held responsible for any injuries caused by his or her employees. Negligent hiring represents a concept in which an employer can be held responsible for any injuries caused by his or her employees. There are several issues related to conducting background screenings. First there is the issue of cost.  If an employer decides to run background checks on all applicants this can become very costly.  Pre employment background checks can range from $10 for a basic background check to $300 for extensive checks. Therefore many employers wait to run background checks on the final two or three candidates they’ve selected.  The least expensive way to conduct background checks are to run a check only on the final candidate who has received a contingent offer depending on their background results . This option also has risk. The employer may have to rescind their offer if the employees results are unacceptable. Secondly there is the issue for law suits.  Coporations must be very careful in conducting background checks. There are many facets of employee privacy.   Employee privacy rights are protected by law and any employer that violations these rights open  themselves to  legal action.  Employment laws are continually changing therefore keeping up with regulations can be challenging.

Next is the issue of timeliness. Corporations must know whether to provide an extensive or basic background check. Basic background checks has the advantage of a quick turnaround time. A quick allows for the human resources personnel to work on other essential  tasks to build a strong workforce. When a employer can reduce the hiring process time it helps them to compete for the best candidates. For example if an employer has a spcificed candidate in mine but that candidate receives an offer from a competitor  he or she may decide to work for the competitor instead of for your organization. Therefore employers must be aware of the timeliness of conducting a background check.There also disadvantages of pre-employment background checks. First there is the issue of mistakes. There is a possibility of an employer making a mistake with verification.  There are times when bureau records may be incorrect. Names can be misspelled, birthdates can be miss-typed, and similar names and/or the distinction between senior/junior within families can inadvertently flipped. Mistakes of this nature can cause serious problems for the employer and the employee, and these problems can be difficult to reverse. Secondly is Unfair Bias Background checks. Bias background checks can disqualify criminal offenders whose misbehaviors occurred many years ago or in their youth. Although the canidates my had restablished  themselves .A background check will produce a biased judgment against these candidate. Lastly is offensiveness some people may find the use of background checks to a violation of their personal liberties offenses of this kind can lead to lawsuits, including discrimination charges based on the stigma of the activities documented in their report,  but who have since developed to be responsible, experienced and highly qualified candidates for the position being offered. The revelations of a background check can elicit biased judgment of a candidate based on the stigma of the activities documented in their report, rather than considerations of the relevance of their transgressions to the position. If you are going to conduct comprehensive background checks, it is a good idea to come up with specific grounds for disqualification before you review the report. Lastly Offensive some people find the use of background checks a violation of their personal liberties, and companies run the risk of offending highly qualified candidates by undertaking them. They may also offend candidates of they fail to face to undertake background checks in a uniform manner; offenses of this kind can lead to lawsuits, including discrimination charges.

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(2016, 04). Employment Background Check. EssaysForStudent.com. Retrieved 04, 2016, from
“Employment Background Check” EssaysForStudent.com. 04 2016. 2016. 04 2016 < "Employment Background Check." EssaysForStudent.com. EssaysForStudent.com, 04 2016. Web. 04 2016. < "Employment Background Check." EssaysForStudent.com. 04, 2016. Accessed 04, 2016. Essay Preview By: smile23 Submitted: April 28, 2016 Essay Length: 1,674 Words / 7 Pages Paper type: Research Paper Views: 361 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays The Historical Background of Cold War Chapter 1: The Historical Background of Cold War. 1.1 The Historical Context. The animosity of postwar Soviet-American relations drew on a deep reservoir of mutual 9,966 Words  |  40 Pages Us Government - Checks and Balances US Government - Checks And Balances "There is no more important function for all of government to define the rights of its citizens." (Norman Dorsen) 1,455 Words  |  6 Pages Steve Job History and Background Steve Jobs: History and Background Steven Paul, was an orphan adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs of Mountain View, California in February 1955. Soon after 340 Words  |  2 Pages Morality Check: Pre-Marital Sex Morality Check: Premarital Sex Premarital sex, also known as fornication, refers to any sexual activity between consenting unmarried partners. Sexual intercourse of two individuals often 480 Words  |  2 Pages Similar Topics Body Art Lacks Employer Approval Usa World Bank Situation Background Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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