Edgar Allan Poe – the End of the BeginningEssay Preview: Edgar Allan Poe – the End of the BeginningReport this essayProfessor RandellEng. 201 section# 179313 February, 2007Edgar Allan PoeThe End of The BeginningEdgar Allen Poe was one of the greatest writers of the nineteenth century. Perhaps he is best know for is ominous short stories. One of my personal favorites was called The Raven. Throughout his works Poe used coherent connections between symbols to encourage the reader to dig deep and find the real meaning of his writing. Poes work is much like a puzzle, when u first see it its intact, but take apart and find there is much more to the story than you thought. The Raven, written in 1845, is a perfect example of Poe at his craziest. Poes calculated use of symbolism is at his best in this story as each symbol coincides with the others. In The Raven, Poe explains a morbid fear of loneliness and the end of something through symbols. The symbols not only tell the story of the narrator in the poem, they also tell the true story of Poes own loneliness in life and the hardships he faced. Connected together through imagery they tell a story of a dark world only Poe Knows exists.

The story of the Raven tells of a lonely man who has lost his one true love Lenore. As he sits alone in his chamber nearly falling asleep, a raven comes to him. The man has many questions for the raven, yet all the raven replies is “nevermore.” Why is the Raven there, this day at his window? Poe starts off by offering insight to the surroundings of the house. He mentions midnight in the first line. In the next paragraph he also speaks of “bleak December.” Automatically I remembered the first line of The Purloined letter and the significance the time of month and day had on the story. I believe midnight and December brings up the idea of New Years Eve. The end as well as the begging to many things. It brings up the thought of a Winter darkness, and loneliness for some. Before the story even starts Poe makes you imagine what time of year it is and the feelings those seasons bring. The end of the year marks many holidays for us, with holidays comes family and friends. I believe Poe chooses this time of year to show the reader the narrator has absolutely no one to spend time with. The most important symbol used in the story is the raven. The Raven is know for its dark mysteriousness, something Poe played to his advantage. Also rarely do you see a raven with others, they are somewhat solitary creatures much like the narrator in the story. Already through these two symbols the reader feels like there in a dark lonely place.

As the narrator explains his chamber he speaks of beautiful furniture and dйcor. It must have been a place he shared with his lost Lenore. It is the only beauty Poe speaks of in this story. Otherwise Poe would make it feel dark and dismal much like the narrator feels before the raven comes tapping. Yet the word chamber brings up thoughts of solitary confinement, and the loneliness the narrator now feels with out his lost love. Poe could have used another word besides chamber to describe where the narrator was staying, maybe chamber was the word they used back in the 1800s. In the chamber, the Raven “perched upon a bust of Pallas.” Most know the Pallas, through Greek mythology as the

goddess of wisdom. I found myself wondering, how can it be used in symbolism with the bird if the bird only repeats itself? The raven is anything but wise, unless he has a reason to only mutter one sentence. This statue of the Pallas instead holds the secrets of the chamber, the good and bad times the narrator had with his lost Lenore. The Pallas is wise because it knows the narrator better than he knows himself. The Pallas has watched him through the cycles of his life, from happiness when Lenore was alive, to the sadness when she is taken from him.

Lenore herself is an important symbol. She is present in many occasions, wither it be the “rustling of each purple curtain.” Or even the “tapping at my chamber door.” She represents the happiness the narrator once felt. She also represents the change that comes and the loneliness that follows change. If the reader had an idea how Lenore died maybe we could gain insight to the narrators feelings a bit more. Was she murder? Was it an accident? Knowing what happened to Lenore could justify why the narrator is so miserable without her. Or maybe he just truly misses her. Throughout the story the raven takes on many more tasks. At one point the narrator thinks the raven has been sent by Lenore. It could very well be, “Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad into fancy.” The raven actually made him smile. Yet I believe the raven is a creature of bad omen that represents the on coming of death.

[quote=Frostmourne1]#8220;I’m sorry, ῖBut the idea of some of the great stories has come to me in the past year or so!

The answer is that we will be able to trace their stories through the next section of the book so that we can take the lead at this point and see what happens.

I think it would be interesting to read a few pages about ‘A Thousand Names of Lost Children’, so that at least I will find some sense and a narrative. ℹ>A novel for those looking for the best story about a forgotten family.

In my view there are far many that are hard-hitting, some that will be less so.⋷And also, there are many, many that will surprise you. The novels are also quite different,⋹In short there is much to enjoy in a book whose tone, style, and tone will have you smiling.I have no doubt that one of the best stories so far is about how an old lady tells the tale of a man killed by a stranger.⋺However, as to the first story above – there is yet another case where a reader is surprised about the accuracy of an author’s account. In order to be able to understand the story the reader will need to know the author’s exact record and background.𕸁

As I said earlier, I thought the writer of Cannibal Corpse came up with a clever idea to solve this mystery. The book is a series of stories. At the beginning there are two tales. One’s the tale of the body of an old woman who can no longer speak. The other’s the story of what happens when people die. The man who killed her has written her book. I have never heard anyone say “they murdered my mother when the book would have been different, and this is a great game in its execution” or anything like that.” That is a really clever idea. But we won’t read it, unless it doesn’t scare us too much.

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