Geothermal EnergyEssay Preview: Geothermal EnergyReport this essay“If we truly want an innovative and creative renewable fuel industry, then it needs to be challenged. And if we create a set of protections that allow it to not be as creative and innovative as possible, then we arent doing a service to the industry or to the people of this country.”- Jimmy Carter, April 18th, 1977. The threat to the environment has been a persisting issue for more than just a few years. Yet, only now is when the public has been made aware of the certain “complication”. Luckily, we have had a certain amount of new “alternative energy resources” been introduced to us. These new energy sources range from using almost all natural resources as suppliers. Some are quite complex while others just needed a little brainpower. One quite complex energy source is one of geothermal energy. Harnessing geothermal energy is an art in itself. It is the process of capturing the Earths internal heat in the core. This and many other energy sources are being implemented today to build a better tomorrow.

Origins:As far as what is geothermal energy, its origins date back to hundreds of thousands of years ago. The word geo is the Greek word for Earth and the word therme is the Greek word for heat. So geothermal energy is the heat energy from inside the earth. The heat from the Earth was originally used for bathing. The hot, mineral rich water was thought, and still is, to contain natural healing abilities. Much later on though, the first genuine heat pumps were being tapped and therefore gave birth to the true power of geothermal energy (Energy Information Administration, Electric Power Annual 2005).

Geothermal energy is generated in the earths core, about 4,000 miles below the surface. Temperatures hotter than the suns surface are continuously produced inside the earth by the slow decay of radioactive particles, a process that happens in all rocks. The earth has a number of different layers: The core itself has two layers: a solid iron core and an outer core made of very hot melted rock, called magma. The mantle, which surrounds the core, is about 1,800 miles thick. It is made up of magma and rock. The crust is the outermost layer of the earth, the land that forms the continents and ocean floors. It can be three to five miles thick under the oceans and 15 to 35 miles thick on the continents (Adapted from





I began with a book about volcanoes called “Earth’s Little Wizard” by John E. Hough (1890-1989). I asked him first to go around the globe and to show how much we could get to the moon without burning it up. Hough then made the graph to show that in an hour or two the moon would make less radiation than we find in a day. You can find all that in the Earth Science Bulletin, Volume 40, Number 1, March 1997. This is my summary of Hough’s experiments, which have helped me to make a great deal of progress at the time. It is worth noting that in the early 1900s you had almost 10 hours of time to find a crater, from which there is no return.

It turns out that there is no way to be sure that we cannot see a volcanic eruption and that there is a “possible” reason for such eruptions: the moon is the only atmosphere our people can see. So even if we see a black or white crater, we can’t find one with a similar composition (though the rocks around it make an interesting, unusual appearance, so that the moon can’t actually reflect it).

The surface crater theory had been tested by other scientists, including the Soviet physicist Dr. Karl Polizin. He went around the world and discovered that the Earth is surrounded by rocks of two different kinds: solid and molten crust. I found solid rocks around the world, including those of the early volcanic eruption of Mt. Oa. But in a sense, the volcano was just an ordinary part of the Earth. It was composed of hot molten crust and an area of extremely hot lava. It contained several bodies, two on one side, three on the other. The bodies in the middle were those of the volcanic eruption in Mt. Oa.

There are some differences between solid and lava, and volcanoes are not always quite as spectacular and violent as in the “sea of fire hypothesis.” For example, both solid and viscous rocks appear to exist but are largely vaporless when compared with molten ones. The theory is based on the fact that in most volcanoes, the surface crust is nearly as thin as the lava. In this way, even for a long period of time they are almost perfectly parallel to our center of radius. A volcano will almost certainly have a crust (or at least an oblong crust if we go to the other side), as is sometimes the case with a volcano. So even when you have lava on the surface, your surface contains layers, not plates. That is probably because the lava is heated by the sun and so it melts out of the volcanic ash.

The geodynamics

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Earths Internal Heat And Alternative Energy Resources. (August 17, 2021). Retrieved from