The Roaring 20’s
The Roaring 20’s
The Roaring 20’s
the post war changes were economic first, because the factories had to change again there was not a demand for war goods and returning vets faced unemployment. Now those who had jobs like women and African Americans lost their jobs. In Russia, the Russian revolution had started and the red scare began also.

The change after war was a very social thing. The start of communism had come about. This idea of communism gave hope to the weary Russians. The red scare was the fear of communism taking over and spreading. In case during the early 20’s called the Sacco and Vanzetti Case was about two Italian men connected to crimes and were arrested and both had guns on them. They were sentenced to die and many thought it was unfair because they had admitted to being anarchists and people thought they were convicted based on their views and heritage. Another social event was the large migration of African Americans

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Early 20’S And Post War Changes. (June 30, 2021). Retrieved from