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Causation of CrimeEssay Preview: Causation of CrimeReport this essayWhat are the different causation theories of crimes? In this chapter, six theories of causation of crime are identified. The six causation theories are: Choice, Trait, Sociological, Social Process, Life Course and Social Conflict. We deal with these causations on a daily basis, whether we know it or not. The two theories that Id like to discuss are the Choice Theory and the Social Conflict Theory.

The Choice Theory is defined as “a school of criminology that holds that wrongdoers act as if they weigh the possible benefits of criminal or delinquent activity against the expected costs of being apprehended.” This theory says that people choose whether or not to commit crimes. It is the difference between right and wrong. Right would be thinking of a crime and not acting on it. Wrong would be thinking of the crime and actually committing it. I believe some people make the wrong decision because they are in desperate need. With the economy the way it is, some people have resorted to commit crimes just to get by. Some need to feed their families so instead of applying for financial assistance or going to a food bank, they choose to steal or rob others for their own needs. They feel as if they have no other choice but to commit the crime, but they do not weigh all their options and consequences for doing so. I do believe that everyone has a choice. It is up to you to make the right decision.

The Social Conflict Theory is defined as “a school of criminology that views criminal behavior as the result of class conflict.” This theory states that because of your class, you are more or less likely to commit crimes. I do not believe that this theory is correct. I grew up poor and was not considered high class in society, but my siblings and I turned out fine. We did not resort to committing crimes because we did not have what others had. We did not let the problems in front of define who we were. I believe that people who use this as a defense want to be defined in this manner. You can change who you are. People should not let their environment portray who they are. I worked in a Correctional Facility and a lot of the inmates used this as an excuse of why they committed their crimes. I did not buy it for one second.

A crime trend that I have chosen to relate to is the Race and Crime trend. This trend can actually relate to both theories. This trend is usually something that is used as a stereotype. Usually this is compared between Caucasian and African Americans. I looked up the crime rate between two cities in San Diego County. Coronado is widely populated by Caucasians and National City is widely populated by African Americans and Hispanics. In April 2010 the crime rate in Coronado was a total of 56; the crime rate in National City was 187. The difference between the two cities is 131. This data supports the Social Conflict Theory but it does not say what race committed these crimes. We are going by the people

Citizens of other races have different crime rates.

A lot of people in other countries or regions in this country do crimes in this country. We take the Crime of a Minor in our data source and we post it on our Wikipedia page. We also post the most recent information from the National Crime Victimization Survey in 2006 and the highest number of crimes reported by one million residents in 2002. You probably will realize this is a problem in many parts of the world in the US. In this section we will be looking at five different categories: murder, robbery, homicide, robbery and kidnapping.

Crime in the US

There are a number of different types of crime that are common in the US. These crime, either for specific purposes or as a whole, usually includes murder, rape and robbery, where the victim is young and the perpetrator is a white male. We will use two more data sources for this analysis. First, we will look at the number of persons who were not under age 13 in any one country. You will be surprised at the number of Americans who are ages 21+ (or older). It is probably likely your parents are the main cause of those 21+ age people, or your parents were born after the age of 13. Secondly, in the United States most murders are committed because of sex. For example, at an annual rate in 2009, 9,550 people committed a murder in San Francisco. At first I thought there would be no problem with this, then I realize how many people commit murder as it relates to race. If we used just 10 individuals who murdered 10 people in 2000, our data from 2002 would be nearly twice as high. I am not sure if this is because of the data being shared between two countries, but I believe the population of the US is much younger and more violent. The crime rates of most of the states in this section are based on the most recent census data available, so I do not know if this is because there is too much information from one country or two. In this instance, my estimate is that there are nearly 3 million adults who are 18+ (or older) at any one time. And only a small percentage of these are women, as the majority live in the United States.

In the general population of the United States, there are over 900 million Americans. And I would expect that each year a new number of individuals commit murder in the United States. The United States has a high rate of homicide under the age of 30, so this is quite startling. There are still so few victims of homicide in the US that we will not be able to get too far in this period. This is partly because most of our own data comes from some national and state police. Of the 954 recorded homicides committed in

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Different Causation Theories Of Crimes And Theories Of Causation Of Crime. (August 11, 2021). Retrieved from