Visual Studies: The Dematerialization of The Art Object – Research Paper – moerat123
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Visual Studies: The Dematerialization of The Art Object
In conceptual art the idea or concept is the most important aspect of the work . . . The idea becomes the machine that makes the art” (Lewitt, 2000). The term dematerialization was first coined by Lucy Lippard and John Chandler in their text “The Dematerialization of Art”. In this essay I will discuss the meaning of the concept of the dematerialization of the art object by using two artworks Wall drawing #370 and the Progressive Structure by artist Sol Lewitt as an example. The dematerialization of the art object is a notion in conceptual art where the art object is no longer material but the idea is the art. I will also discuss conceptual art in relation to the dematerialization of art.

According to (Lippard, 2001) Conceptual art can be defined as something where the idea of the object is supreme and the end result of the art form or object is secondary, it is also seen as dematerialized and unpretentious which is usually seen in conventional arts such as paintings or even sculptures. The idea of the art object and how it comes to be is the main purpose of the art, not the art itself. Thus we can see that the dematerialization of the art object is an unconventional art. Understanding where the concept of the art is above form, the idea above the object and the process above the product. The dematerialization of art identifies with conceptual art and accentuates the thinking process most prominently and may end up with the art object becoming obsolete. When a conceptual form of art is used, it means that all of the planning and decisions are made beforehand and the execution is just carried out.

Examples of conceptual art which dematerializes the art object would not be conventional art forms such as sculptures or paintings because these art forms are seen as ends in themselves, because the idea of art is not put above the object itself, whereas in the dematerialization of art, the process and the idea of the art would be put above the end product. The material form of conceptual art just be used to convey the idea and the idea is the main purpose of this art form thus showing us the dematerialization of the art. This type of art is initiative and it is involved with all types of mental processes (Lewitt, 1996)

Just because the art object is dematerialized does not equate that object is absent, but that the object itself is something perceivable through one’s senses, but also means the departure of “traditional art” forms as explained earlier, such as paintings and sculptures. According to (Lewitt, 1996 ) defined Conceptual Art as that which “is made to engage the mind of the viewer rather than his eye or his emotions” and declared that the “idea behind a piece of art, even if it’s never made, is just as important as the finished product”.

Conceptual art is seen as art of the mind instead of art of the senses which traditional art is seen as, these different art forms are opposites. This is because the purpose of conceptual art is not to affect the senses but rather the mind because the main purpose of this art form is the idea not the actual object (Jose Galisi Filho, 2016).

The dematerialization of an art object is seen as a procedure where an ideas is the main focus and then becomes the primary focus and object itself loses its traditional status and becomes the secondary focus. In this type of art and the dematerialization thereof the ideas can be seen as works of art. It is a development that may eventually find some form. All art ideas do not need to be made physical. Since no form of art is vitally surpassing to another, the artist may use any form, from an expression of words, be it written or spoken to physical reality. It is not necessary that the artist carries through the idea of the art object and makes it into a form that can be visibly seen because the idea itself, even if the art object it is not visual, is does not matter because it is the idea which is the art itself. Thus we can see the importance if the dematerialization of the art object (Jose Galisi Filho, 2016).

Thus we can see how conceptual art links to the dematerialization of the art objects and portrays the idea of art as the art itself. I will use two artworks by Sol Lewitt to further discuss the meaning of dematerialization of the art object.

As seen in figure A. and figure B. Sol Lewitt aimed to remove the component of chance in his work and every single miniscule detail was planned. We can see this by the use of straight lines and angles used in Figure A of the structure is made with a specific reason. The reason does not have to be logical and that is what conceptual art and the dematerialization of the art object is all about but the idea has to be though out before the art object is executed. We can see that in both figure A and figure B that repetition and pattern is a theme in Sol Lewitt’s work

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(2016, 07). Visual Studies: The Dematerialization of The Art Object. Retrieved 07, 2016, from
“Visual Studies: The Dematerialization of The Art Object” 07 2016. 2016. 07 2016 < "Visual Studies: The Dematerialization of The Art Object.", 07 2016. Web. 07 2016. < "Visual Studies: The Dematerialization of The Art Object." 07, 2016. Accessed 07, 2016. Essay Preview By: moerat123 Submitted: July 31, 2016 Essay Length: 1,351 Words / 6 Pages Paper type: Research Paper Views: 504 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Study Group Art Commission Study Group Art Commission Statement Western States Center for Cultural Exchange Western States Center for Cultural Exchange is a not-for-profit organization that works to promote 1,226 Words  |  5 Pages 4 Disciplines of Visual and Performing Arts Visual and performing arts enrich our lives in a variety of ways. They entertain us, educate us about the world, let us see our world 1,286 Words  |  6 Pages Social Theories Are Not Sociological Unless They Focus on Society as a Specific and Distinct Object of Study Social theories are not sociological unless they focus on society as a specific and distinct object of study Sociological theories are embedded and grounded in 318 Words  |  2 Pages Taj Mahal Visual Art Analysis The globalization processes conduce to the blurring of boundaries between countries and regions. The modern life let us feel ourselves the world citizens, according 462 Words  |  2 Pages Similar Topics Case Study Gerber Babyfoods Study KingcomicsCom Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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Dematerialization Of The Art Object And Conceptual Art. (June 12, 2021). Retrieved from