Agriculture: The Path to Economic StabilazationEssay Preview: Agriculture: The Path to Economic StabilazationReport this essayAgriculture: The Path to Economic StabilazationFor the nearly the past three decades America has been struggling with economic issues, and now it is hitting us the worst. Today, two people can sit at a coffee table and argue on what America needs to do to help rebuild the economy for hours, this is where I come in. With plenty of research and hard thinking I believe that I can help touch base on this topic. My argument is simple; what is the best method in regaining our economic strength? Could it be enhancing the manufacturing business to produce goods and sell? Or does America need to focus more on the agricultural aspect and rely on farming and produce? I personally feel that between the two main sources of capital in America, agriculture is the way to go, for many reasons.

I will try my best to explain this to you, as a historian, and I hope you will join me.

My own personal view is: it is best to understand the economic situation in order to apply and to assess the trends and the effects on our financial system. I will cover economic policies of different countries, states, and individuals on a similar basis. In the future I will address the general trends within and among countries. I will then cover the economic factors that are related to economic insecurity, recession, and recovery. It is also worth mentioning that my views will not apply to anyone. For now my focus is on the United States of America as a land of opportunity, prosperity, social security, and environmental protection. I hope you’ll find the following useful, informative, and helpful articles in your local print, online, Web, or digital media: I would be interested to hear back from you as soon as possible if you are a new reader of this essay or article, which I hope are of interest for other, less interesting, readers as well. Thank you.

My personal view is: this year I will begin writing at a fairly advanced age in the US, working at a small number of farm and retail farms each year. I will have my undergraduate degrees from many colleges and universities for the remainder of my professional life here in the US. I will work closely with a number of industry and government officials who are seeking to build a better future for the working farmer. I will strive to earn a good job after eight or ten years because my future education will be a good place to be when the time comes. This will give me a great opportunity to grow as quickly as possible after finishing my studies, and there are several other jobs available as well. This work is part of what I will continue to do as a historian, with the goal of gaining access to knowledge for what is possible, while being able to focus my efforts on a more important objective of economic development in this country.