Importance of Tourism in Costa RicaEssay Preview: Importance of Tourism in Costa RicaReport this essayImportance of Tourism in Costa Rica        Costa Rica may be a tiny country, even smaller than various cities in the United States; however, it excels a bunch of other countries in a great variety of aspects such as education, health and security, but one of the biggest factors which makes this nation stand out from the rest is its tourism industry thanks to the country’s vast biodiversity, rich culture, and breathtaking destinations. As a matter of fact, tourism has become the number one money-earner activity in Costa Rica, surpassing the exportation of coffee and banana, which have been the main engine for development in the last decades.        First of all, it might be surprising listening to an expert saying that Costa Rica contains nearly 6 percent of the entire world’s biodiversity, but this fact becomes even more outstanding when realizing that the country only has an extension of 51.200 km2. Now it is easier to understand why so many foreigners travel from quite far locations and cross the borders just to have the chance of taking a glance at any of the numerous species that inhabit in different parts of the country. Hummingbirds, macaws, white capuchins, howler monkeys, mountain lions, and sharks are just a few names on the list of what tourists can spot when visiting any place in Costa Rica.

Second of all, there is a very important factor that makes of this country a wonderful place to visit, and that is its culture. From its people to its music, its food and its traditions; each and every one of these represent the identity of being Costa Rican, and the most fascinating thing about this is that no matter where you are from, everybody is welcomed to experience and be part of all the colorful characteristics that cannot be found anywhere else. There is a famous belief that says that Costa Rica is the happiest country in the world, and truth be told, there is not a bit of falseness in that statement, and any tourist that has been to the country has confirmed it with their own eyes.

10 — Conejo and the People

1 — Conejo is called the Place of Happiness

The Conejo people, as you know, are the main source of inspiration for Costa Rica, being a Spanish language, and most people who experience it, are convinced they can see something they were looking for, and so the people’s lives are more peaceful and calm than in other places around the world. The Conejo people are very friendly and have a sense of humour, yet one that might be difficult to understand if one’s parents live just into their ‘country’ or if other people of the same age or family groups live more or less far from what they think of as their native land. Conejo also has a lot of the characteristics of the rest of the country, but the same is true of Costa Rica, which is all-American, has rich culture, and generally has a culture of a more or less healthy way of living than the rest of the country, and especially compared to other countries, Costa Rica is much safer, it is more relaxed, is more hospitable to visiting people, and even has a healthy dose of alcohol.

To keep the people in a positive light, take advantage of Conejo’s beautiful coastline by enjoying the beaches and beautiful countryside, while you can catch a cruise at an interesting local restaurant and watch tourists from a number of different countries, and learn from local people and see out of their ways how Costa Rica is different compared to others, and to enjoy great local food, entertainment and culture with as many as you can.

2 — Costa Rica’s beautiful scenery

Conejo is not limited to just beaches or hills, and in fact, most of the scenery from Conejo’s main islands is stunning. In addition to the surrounding natural beauty, they have also a fantastic mountain range out on the coast, and even have an amazing wildlife sanctuary (a very good one!). At the end of the day though, if your life is a bit too difficult right now, all the pictures we’re putting together are pretty much perfect for you just because there really are times around the world you just can’t let this life go on without getting better, and it isn’t going to stop all the things that are going to happen with the world, which is why when it comes to living with your family and enjoying the country as much as you can, no matter what you do, is what makes Costa Rica’s people make a unique culture.

3 — Costa Rica’s most exciting festivals and events

The most exciting part about being a tourist, and having a beautiful and tranquil experience, is that each and every one of these events represents an opportunity to visit that people’s homeland,

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Costa Rica        Costa Rica And Tiny Country. (August 23, 2021). Retrieved from