Costa Rica
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Reasons to Visit:
Una razon para visitar a costa rica es el tiene la mejor playa en a mundo = a reason to visit Costa rica is it has the best beach in the world.
Costa Rica tiene una cultura impresionante y una gente muy agradable = Costa Rica has an impressive culture and very pleasant people.
Costa Rica tiene muchos animales y las atracciones emocionantes = Costa Rica has a lot of animals and exciting attractions.
El tiempo en Costa Rica es uno del mejor en el mundo = The weather in Costa Rica is one of the best in the world.
Costa Rica is one of the biggest vacation spots = Costa Rica es uno de las vacaciones mДЎs grandes marca.
Costa Rica consists of seven different regions = Costa Rica consiste en siete regiones diferentes.
Mountains and high central plains are the key features of Costa Ricas landscape = Las montaД±as y las llanuras centrales altas son las caracterД­sticas clave del paisaje de Costa Rica.

The seven regions of Costa Rica are San JosД©, Heredia, Cartago, Alajuela, Puntarenas, Guanacaste, LД­mon = Las siete regiones de Costa Rica son San JosД©, Heredia, Cartago, Alajuela, Puntarenas, Guanacaste, LД­mon.

San JosД© is the most popular region = San JosД© es la regiДÑ-n mДЎs popular.
Costa Rica has two seasons, a wet and dry season = Costa Rica tiene dos temporadas, una temporada mojada y seca.
Costa Ricans call themselves Ticos” = Costa Ricans llame a sД­ mismo Ticos.
Costa Rica is 1290 kilДÑ-metres of the coast of the United States and is the size of West Virginia = Costa Rica es 1290 kilДÑ-metres del costa del United States y es el tamaД±o de West Virginia.

The Irazu Volcano on Costa Rica is 3431 meters which is the largest one on the island = The Irazu VolcДЎn on Costa Rica es 3431 metros cuДЎl es el grande en la isla.

Costa rica is next to Nicaragua in the north and Panama in the south = Costa rico esta al lado de panamДЎ en el sur y de nicaragua en la norte.
The largest lake in Costa Rica is long sand = El lago mДЎs grande en Costa Rica es largo arenal
Christopher Columbus dio Costa Rica su nombre que significa la “rich shore” en 1502 = Christopher Columbus gave costa rica its name meaning “rich shore” in 1502

Juan de CavallДÑ-n dirigiДÑ- los primeros colonizadores espaД±oles exitosos en Costa Rica en 1561 = Juan de CavallДÑ-n led the first successful Spanish colonizers into Costa Rica in 1561

A pesar del nombre, Costa Rica tuvo pocos recursos del interД©s a exploradores espaД±oles = Despite the name, Costa Rica had few resources of interest to Spanish explorers

Juan VДЎsquez

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Costa Rica And El Tiempo En Costa Rica. (June 27, 2021). Retrieved from