Ancient Egyptian
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5 conditions of Flourish
Community bonding
Freedom/ Creativity
Introspection or meditation
All that are good
Any denial of the Big Six equals evil, we deny others because of competition if there is not enough you die. We allow people to live for the you scratch my back motto. People kill for resources. We stopped killing as much because we realized as a group you better accomplish goals.

Small tribes had a big problem with incest, doubles of territory.
It only took 20 people to bring down the world.
Philosophy against Empire
Empires are no longer valuable because empires can be brought down by a small group.
There should be one large group
Declarations of United Nations
Declaration of Universal Rights
Indigenous people
Declaration of Childrens Rights
The Right of Nature
Pachamama – Mother nature
The larger the group the tighter we need to be
Most successful philosophical movement that had the most impact.
Marxs- half the world was under his control
The metaphysics and epistemology is the only difference, they share the same axiology and praxeology.
Reason for dominance
Christianity- you must try to obtain everyone into your religion
Example: including everyone into the community
Marx- all have the same goal of unity for freedom.
Objective: Christianity- you love because God is love and you are the product if God so you must love.
Love/ Freedom > Freya- venus- Friday
Freitaq (Freeday)
Pri They are identical
The root of both philosophies is bonding of a community
Love= connectivity (degree of love is #s and kinds of activity)
Happiness= activity in accord with excellence. ( Peak performance)
Freedom= Connectivity- people who are connected. Gives people the opportunity to be free.
Shut down their connectivity to give to you but live through you.
Metaphysics- Christianity God, pure spirits, physical unity, mixed spirits
Contemporary explanation of Evil
Epustem-xty- faith, mystical experience
Start of universe
Evil is chaos, death os evil of you do not fulfill your life.

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Contemporary Explanation Of Evil And Root Of Both Philosophies. (June 28, 2021). Retrieved from