Joint Ventures of Iranian Companies
For being survive in recent increasing competitive markets having an international approach is essential. So this approach needs to have necessary quality and advanced technology for products. For international organisations all business relationships, Strategic planning and modes of entry to the market are significant ways for implementation of strategic marketing. In this essay I will detail the international marketing strategies and related style of managements in Coal Tar Refining Company.

Based on the strategic analysis -especially by attention to location of this company in the specific region of Middle East-this Company has pre-empted and monopolized the Middle East market. So the perspective of its strategy is Regiocentricm.

Coal Tar Company has to standardize its products to enter in the abroad competitive market of Middle East. The advantages of standardization, new style of packing and labelling and other international certificates have been decreased even the costs of production line and being more consistent than before in this potential market .Additionally the managers have been made to focus on all of the conditions strategically. In addition local adaptation has not been appropriate item to be controlled by the managers of this company .

Due to possibility of single market for the coal tar products in the entire world which can be treated as a single market for this firm, Middle East market have been almost a kind of monopoly market for this firm of course, based on its planned strategy in its domestic and abroad market.

Some items such as, Coal tar company’s philosophy, having the under controlled domestic market, by relying on financial resources, capacity of production, the unique production in the region, specially overall strategy of the organization which identifies what this company is trying to do are the best factors to choosing the Middle East region as its perfect market.

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Competitive Markets And International Organisations. (June 29, 2021). Retrieved from