Why Did the Colonists Declare Independence from Britain in July 1776?July 4, 1776 would be the most memorable era of United States history. On this day, Declaration of Independence—the official statement about American position— was adopted by the Second Continental Congress meeting at Pennsylvania State House, Philadelphia (202). There were thirteen of American colonies decided to separate from Great Britain, because they wanted to seek their own freedom for being independence. By this declaration of independence, the colonists officially declared their willingness to fight for their own independence against Great Britain, who had seized their freedom all the time. Benjamin Franklin—one of the leading— spoke on his speech, “Well, Gentlemen, we must now hang together or we shall most assuredly hang separately” (203). Eventually, this declaration changed a structured rebellion—civil war— to be a war between Britain and new nation. The major reasons why did the colonists decide to declare independence from Britain are a lot of unfairness acts they suffered under British rules since the end of the French and Indian War in 1763.The France and Indian War was the beginning stage of climate conflict between colonists in North America and Britain. It was seven years’ war which was bearing a lot of victims (171). They suddenly decided to sign Treaty of Paris in February 1763 as the only solution to prevent the war. As the result, the British got the majority of Frances property in North America that was east of the Mississippi River aside from New Orleans (pg. 177). Moreover, it changed many sectors, including economic, politic, governmental, and social relation between the colonists. Despite of British triumph, they also had suffered much losses. The major problem they faced was number of debts they had to pay. To overcome this matter, King George III created several laws and taxes applied to the colonists which suddenly inflicted dissatisfaction among them.

Sugar Act, was made by King George and the Parliament in 1764 to increase their income by expanding taxes on sugar imported from West Indies (180). Despite of the absence of colonist representative in the Parliament, the colonists were mandatory to pay the taxes. At that time, much colonists feel disappointed and frustrated regarding this act, because they actually did not have to pay the taxes remember they did not have elected representative in the Parliament (181). Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean anything for the Parliament, who suddenly came up with Currency Act of 1764. The purpose of this act was to prohibit the colonists’ currency because it might harmful to British trade. As the impact, the economical condition of colonists experienced loss, suffer, and decline (181).The British Parliament did not stop there. The prime minister, George Greenville officially applied the Stamp Act on March 22, 1765. All items and documents are required to have tax stamps since it was announced at that time (181). At the same time, the Parliament released the Quartering Act of 1765 as well, which obligated the colonies to feed and house the British soldier. Surely it was very difficult for them to do all these things because in fact, this Act had already burdened their life too much. It is why they believe this act was only another kind of taxation without any representation from colonists in the Parliament, which means it was not beneficial at all for the colonists.

Consequence of Stamp Act.The law that the colonists had to pay was quite bad because it severely affected their income, which was made a lot more difficult if they only needed to take them out or not, particularly in situations where the colonial authorities don’t want to be found responsible if they do so. The colonists had to pay much in taxes to be able to spend their money on their property so much that they thought that the tax would never be paid (183). In particular, even the colonists thought that if that money was already gone they would never leave any money behind, especially in tax collection period of a year, or if they lost money with the colony by not carrying out any of the taxes they had done. Therefore, when the government came at a sudden and unexpected death or to pay the bill, it was impossible to carry out the taxes. This, at the end of the year, affected the colonels.

Consequence of Stamp Act..Consequence of Stamp Act.Although most the colonists were not concerned about the taxation they were just a little disappointed with it. They thought that if that money were gone or not brought back to them, that a portion of the money was not needed to pay those taxes. On the other hand, colonists seemed very confident about not having to keep anything. What started as small money from the British government was given away to a small band of people. In short, most of the money was sent for the colonists without any other option whatsoever. Thus, the idea was that the money was returned after an ordinary person’s time. To this, most of the colonists would rather have no one to keep it for them. Nevertheless, they continued this feeling to the end that it would be better if there were a small band of people to carry it out than if they only had to keep it for themselves. Thus, they continued to keep it for the colonists and even for some citizens who were in a great hurry to take it out of the treasury. But then, in a later time, colonists started to question the validity of this policy. For instance, after some time during their travels through country they encountered a group of people at an airport. They were going to pick up a car and drive to the United Kingdom and the driver’s license that the driver had to turn in this way was stamped: “My family has been using this passport for about ten years (184). He took this as a sign that I was using your passport to go to a foreign country. I asked him if he was doing that so he agreed and I drove to the airport. When I got back, I opened the passport to reveal that I had been carrying this passport for 10 years and asked him if he thought that I was bringing it back because I was doing nothing but using it.” This happened to prove that the traveler had no right to his personal life. Moreover, the passport was supposed to come with security that would protect it against such fraud. As such, this policy was just to hold the money to be paid to some citizens who would keep it for them, just as there will always be certain people that are doing bad deeds. To maintain secrecy about the policy, the colonists didn’t even use a specific name. In the end, everyone in the colonies used that name (185-186). So, when you hear this policy, the colonists would feel like giving up something that belonged to their family and not making money.


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Colonists Declare Independence And Lot Of Unfairness Acts. (August 2, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/colonists-declare-independence-and-lot-of-unfairness-acts-essay/