U.S. History Outline
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1. Pre-Columbian Societies
Early inhabitants of the Americas
crossed a land bridge at the bering strait
settled in different areas
American Indian empires in Mesoamerica, the Southwest, and the Mississippi Valley
cultivated crops
aztecs incans mayans- mesoamerica
pueblo- southwest
mississippians moundbuilders- mississippi valley
American Indian cultures of North America at the time of European contact
highly diverse cultures depending on where they were from
hundreds of different languages
2. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690
First European contacts with Native Americans
columbus arrived and found the indians to be friendly and submissive
sometimes violent, although the indian weapons were no match for the european weapons
europeans brought disease
Spains empire in North America
the spanish arrived in meso america where they destroyed and enslaved the people
and converted them to christianity while moving up the west coast
French colonization of Canada
the french and indians were friendly together because french needed them for fur trade
they also tried to convert the natives to catholocism
English settlement of New England, the Mid-Atlantic region, and the South
the english in new england stayed away from the indians, mainly. In their little villages
From servitude to slavery in the Chesapeake region
the natives were used as slaves
Religious diversity in the American colonies
the diversity of religion had people only trading with their own religion
Resistance to colonial authority: Bacons Rebellion, the Glorious Revolution, and the Pueblo Revolt
bacons rebellion- nathianel bacon had a revolt againstgoverner of va. For more resistance against indian attack
glorious revolution- new englanders rebeled against sir edmund andros
in santa fe th epueblo indians rebeled against the spanish
3. Colonial North America, 1690-1754
Population growth and immigration
the colonies grew from just 250000 to about 25000000
colonists moved from england and other european countries to get away from the royalty
Transatlantic trade and the growth of seaports
The colonial towns were where british goods entered america
The eighteenth-century back country
the irish and scottish flocked to the appalachians
they became the pioneers of the time
Growth of plantation economies and slave societies
the plantations were built of rice, tobacco, and indigo
mainly in the south
worked with slavery
The Enlightenment and the Great Awakening
ben franklin
the great awakening is when america started to feel a little bit of nationalism
Colonial governments and imperial policy in British North America
in different colonies there started to become a sophisticated government
the governments had problems with the imperial government
4. The American Revolutionary Era, 1754-1789
The French and Indian War
ends the long years of peace in paris
The Imperial Crisis and resistance to Britain
because of the french-indian war heavy taxation begins
stamp act-tea act
The War for Independence
fighting begins in lexington and concord
washington appointed commander of war
america declares for independence
france, spain, and holland declare war on britian
america wins war and gains independence, franklin negotiated treaty of paris in which states americas independence
State constitutions and the Articles of Confederation
the government has fully developed
gives state government more power than federal government
nationalism is at a high point
The federal Constitution
the philadelphia convention (1787) created a constitution
also known as the great compromise
washington is declared president
5. The Early Republic, 1789-1815
Washington, Hamilton, and shaping of the national government
washington established the main central government and its branches
hamilton focused on the constitution
Emergence of political parties: Federalists and Republicans

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