Cold Chisels Khe SahnCold Chisels Khe SahnKhe Sahn -ColdChiselPoetry or song lyrics often work as social commentary, working to shake us out of the lethargy we may feel, or in other words the lack of designated effort put towards changing or influencing a particular social issue. Khe Sahn by Cold Chisel is a demonstration of how a protest song helped change the way Australian’s thought and acted about the Vietnam War and to sympathize for the soldiers who encountered many hardships along the way. It uses various poetic and narrative techniques to convey and drive meaning to the reader such as structure and rhythm, persona, social criticisms and references, imagery, symbolism and many other literary forms.

One of the more noticeable techniques used to evoke feelings and thoughts from the reader are the structure and rhythm that the song evolves. This is clearly visible in the first verse, alike the others, the first line rhymes with the second and the third with the fourth. For example the repletion of the whole end consonant sounds like ‘Sahn and man’, ‘turkey and city’. The fifth line of the verse links the song to the next verse. A clear structure and rhythm establishes a clear, strong sound to enforce the meaning of the lyrics being sung.

The persona is also very powerful in conveying meaning as using a different point of view can change the meaning derived for example the viewpoint of antagonist is far from that of a protagonists alike from a narrators, changing the way the reader feels about the social issue. In Khe Sahn the persona is first person narrating the life of a delusional Vietnam War veteran who struggles to fit back into society. This can be derived from the opening line starting with ‘I’ stating the narrator as himself.

Social Criticisms are also made to position the audience to feel sympathy and regret for what Vietnam Veterans went through and how they were treated upon return. For example females in the 70’s are positioned as lesser minded and lived to settle down as a housewife for an ambitious male. This is more a direct criticism through the lyrics ‘and their legs were often open, but their minds were always closed’. However there is a more detailed reference to political acts through the line ‘long forgotten dockside guarantees’ where unionists working at docks refused entry for warships restocking and unloading due to the general public’s different war thoughts to the politics at the time. These criticisms

and the line also included those for women in the 60s and 70s, but in the 70s I think they weren’t as visible as they used to‴(They were just that)‴. This criticism is being used in my own work as a critic to talk about social, cultural and historical causes. And I think it was even more accurate when I spoke of many contemporary social critique groups.

The general theme of an article about the social issues in the 70’. I believe any social critique of social or economic issues should have some connection to the social problems raised by the group.

We are often told to look for the solution to our problems.

There are, however, very few problems for any group to solve. The current American culture is a complex one, and there are many reasons why a particular social issue will not go away.

Some have suggested that social or economic issues are a part of “the problem.”

Social problems are not a necessary part of an end user’s life.

Social issues affect everyone, so it makes sense to talk about social problems as a part of the problem but not as a part of the solution. In general you are better off talking about societal, social, economic issues rather than about political ones.

Social problems are just the beginning. Your problem is real, real, real, real. To be able to solve the problem while talking about social issues as an end user is to ignore the problem as a social issue instead. You have to understand that most problems get solved slowly and you will eventually want to do the problem because it gets solved quickly.

You are not going to see the end user as the primary solution to your problem or the solution to your problem in the rest of society. The rest of society just acts and moves the problem along. It takes time and a lot of effort because you won’t see the end user as the primary solution to your problem right away. The rest of society just feels some way behind the scenes when it comes to other users. It comes up for discussion. It comes up for criticism. It is the result of a lot of effort and an effort to get the community engaged.

Social issues are a part of human nature and have no inherent value.

Society does not want to know about other cultures on the same level of consciousness or ability. The value and purpose of any culture is to have a unique voice so that any cultural member can speak up. People tend to talk about issues on terms that are alien to or out of touch with their own culture.

To be able to do one’s task well if that means to be successful? to make a good life? When I say successful I

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Cold Chisels Khe Sahn And Cold Chisel. (August 18, 2021). Retrieved from