American Culture CaseEssay Preview: American Culture CaseReport this essayWriters such as Dwight Okita and Sandra Cisneros were greatly influenced by the American Culture. The theme in Okitas poem and in Cisneross short story is Racism. Both authors establish the topic of American identity. In Okitas poem american identity has more to do with how you experience culture than with where your family came from. Both show that cultural heritage and physical appearances dont determine what it means to be American.

The first sign of american identity in the short story “Mericans” that i noticedis the classification of the relatives in the style of traditional names like “Auntie” and “Uncle”. The next thing i notice relates to the young american identity, regarding childhood. Part of the american culture a couple of things that could be experienced in childhood during this period, the narrator tries to avoid falling victim of. Such as the grandmother praying for family members. In the short story the biggest topic i noticed that relates to the american identity is how young boys and girls are playing together, and the girls are always picked on because theyre girls. They got picked on to the point where they wanted to be like the boys.

During the first half of the story, the main protagonist is a young american who dreams of escaping to another land, but that shet isnt always able to do so. The protagonist lives there and the american begins to have many struggles with her in her new life.

The narrator states: “When the young american family is growing up, her family has moved away from her family. The mother was trying to protect her young child; she wanted her to attend private school but was unable to because she couldn’t afford those fees. Her only daughter, who has gone to a few high school for her classes and has been raised by the younger siblings; is just now receiving her college education.

It is interesting to note that shet has been seen to have a tendency to leave when in school, not a single time she stays at home instead.

A great example of the american identification, was the american’s school uniforms being a bit too big for most people and even the school in the beginning was too small for most kids as it was made more difficult to wear school uniforms compared to the more compact size. This is a common experience for americans in life, for all different americans there is always this idea that the american family must be bigger if they are to get out of poverty.

An example of the american identification, is the american’s class dress.

Writers such as Dwight Okita and Sandra Cisneros were greatly influenced by the American Culture. The theme in Okitas poem and in Cisneross short story is Racism. Both authors establish the topic of American identity. In Okitas poem american identity has more to do with how you experience culture than with where your family came from. Both show that cultural heritage and physical appearances dont determine what it means to be American.

The first sign of american identity in the short story “Mericans” that i noticedis the classification of the relatives in the style of traditional names like “Auntie” and “Uncle”. The next thing i notice relates to the young american identity, regarding childhood. Part of the american culture a couple of things that could be experienced in childhood during this period, the narrator tries to avoid falling victim of. Such as the grandmother praying for family members. In the short story the biggest topic i noticed that relates to the american identity is how young boys and girls are playing together, and the girls are always picked on because theyre girls. They got picked on to the point where they wanted to be like the boys.

During the first half of the story, the main protagonist is a young american who dreams of escaping to another land, but that shet isnt always able to do so. The protagonist lives there and the american begins to have many struggles with her in her new life.

The narrator states: “When the young american family is growing up, her family has moved away from her family. The mother was trying to protect her young child; she wanted her to attend private school but was unable to because she couldn’t afford those fees. Her only daughter, who has gone to a few high school for her classes and has been raised by the younger siblings; is just now receiving her college education.

It is interesting to note that shet has been seen to have a tendency to leave when in school, not a single time she stays at home instead.

A great example of the american identification, was the american’s school uniforms being a bit too big for most people and even the school in the beginning was too small for most kids as it was made more difficult to wear school uniforms compared to the more compact size. This is a common experience for americans in life, for all different americans there is always this idea that the american family must be bigger if they are to get out of poverty.

An example of the american identification, is the american’s class dress.

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Cisneross Short Story And American Identity. (August 21, 2021). Retrieved from