Atomic Bomb MoralityEssay Preview: Atomic Bomb MoralityReport this essayThe development of the atomic bomb and chemical warfare forever changed the way people saw the world. It was a landmark in time for which there was no turning back. The constant balancing of the nuclear super powers kept the whole of humankind on the brink of atomic Armageddon. Fear of nuclear winter and the uncertainty of radiation created its own form of a cultural epidemic in the United States. During these tense times in human history officials made controversial decisions such as the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Dangerous biological experiments and bombs tests were carried out in the name of the greater good and national defense. Some historians and scientists argue that the decisions and acts carried out by the U.S. during World War II and the Cold War were unethical because of the direct damage they did. The United States decisions were moral because it can be proven their actions were aimed at achieving a greater good and those that were put in potential danger volunteered and were informed of the risk.

The dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan were ethical decisions made by President Harry Truman and the United States government. By the time of the atom bomb was ready, the U.S. had been engaged in military conflict for over four years and lost over 400,000 soldiers. Truman claimed, “We would have the opportunity to bring the world into a pattern in which the peace of the world and our civilization can be saved” (Winkler 18). The bomb was aimed at ending the war immediately and avoiding prolonged battle in the Pacific Theater and the inevitable invasion of Japan. President Truman hoped that by showing the Japanese the devastating weapon the U.S. possessed, that the war could be brought to a close and reconstruction could begin. Historians that believe the bombing was immoral point to the number of lives taken by the bombings. According to Allan Winkler, 70,000 were killed and another 70,000 from the attack on Hiroshima alone. They contend that the Japanese would have surrendered without more bloodshed if given a fair opportunity. This assertion is untrue; the Japanese were prepared to surrender only after incurring irrecoverable casualties while continuing to fight the Americans. Lee Reese, author of “Yes: Japan Had the Bomb” asserts that the land of the rising sun was still rapidly producing aircraft, tanks, and other weapons in preparation for a continued assault from American forces. According to Reese, not only were the Japanese ready to continue the war, but were also close to building an atomic weapon of their own. 1969, General Minoru Genda, one of the chief planners of the Japanese Offensive, was asked if Japan had developed the bomb whether they would have used it against the United States or not. According to Reeses article, the Generals response was an immediate yes and added that Japan was ready to fight to the, “last man” (Reese 41). The United States attack saved more lives by preventing the war to continue, especially if the Japanese could have escalated it to a nuclear struggle.

The Japanese were also responsible for the damage incurred by the two atomic blasts. They were informed about the attack and volunteered for the actions taken against them. The early 20th century was marked by a rise in nationalism. Nationalism is defined as an embracement to ones own country. Citizens during this time felt a stronger unity and connection to each other, and embraced their relationship with the government more than ever before. Japanese citizens knew the risk of starting a war against the Allies and therefore accepted the potential risks and responsibilities their government put upon them. President Truman also explicitly warned the Japanese. In the Potsdam Declaration, the Commander in Chief threatened, “The inevitable and complete destruction of the Japanese armed forces and just as inevitably the utter devastation of the Japanese homeland.” The United States notified Emperor Hirohito and Prime Minister Kantaro Suzuki of a devastating attack planned in the near future. The two leaders chose to ignore the warning. The bombings in World War II were ethical because they saved countless lives, allowed for the immediate end to the war and the beginning of reconstruction, and Japan was warned of the impending attacks.

Atomic weapons were also used by the Soviet Union and United States during the Cold War. While the actual execution of nuclear missiles in foreign policy changed, their use was still ethical and saved lives. The possession and threat of nuclear arms by the two super powers ensured a locked stalemate. Weapons with the potential to kill millions served the greater good by preventing another violent war following World War II. Neither side could enter into full scale conflict without the total obliteration of both parties. Also, as tensions grew, both sides looked to alternatives to ensure that inevitable battles remained small and contained for fear of nuclear attack. Starting with President Kennedy, the U.S. army was modernized to fight more effectively on practical battlegrounds instead of relying on nuclear arms. The United States adopted a policy of “Graduated Deterrence” where the U.S. response would be equitable to the attack against it. Ultimately atomic weapons during the Cold War ensured that tensions between the two nations didnt lead to all out war. Instead, it forced both sides to invest in smaller, more efficient army units, trained to combat other ground forces. Nuclear arms prevented major loss of life during the second half of the 20th century.

During the periods of the Cold War and World War II, the United States conducted numerous tests related to the atom bomb, radiation, and chemical warfare. While some were injured or killed during these tests, they still remain ethical because the aims of these tests were to help the larger population and scientific community while those subjected to were generally informed and consented to the tests. Physician Walter Reed established the ethics of modern testing that ensured future experiments would be fair and moral to those subjugated. Reed wanted to test a theory related to yellow fever, but to do so, it was necessary to inject subjects with the disease. Before continuing Reed searched for volunteers, informed them of the risks involved, and offered financial compensation. It is because of his research that many lives were saved in the early 1900s. This method of informed and consenting patients

The Scientific American: After the war, the United States initiated a program to research nuclear weapons development. Scientists from around the world worked on various things, but there were two main goals: to understand how nuclear weapons and atomic energy systems work, and to provide information for our people. Both aims were important for the United States in the early 1900s. The first goal for scientists was to understand the nature and dynamics of nuclear weapons. A test was conducted in Germany on August 1, 1901. Two of those tests were conducted in Washington, D.C. They indicated that the atomic warhead in which the hydrogen bomb is put and the hydrogen bomb detonated could not be carried about to produce such an incredible amount of radiation. On the evening of August 1, U.S. military scientists were conducting a major test of a nuclear test reactor. These tests were conducted in the D.C. suburb of New York City. The tests were to be run for three days in February 1902, without the presence of a president or vice-president. The tests revealed an explosion which was so high that there was no control over it. At the end of May, the Manhattan Island test site, the D.C. test site, was closed for testing while the military were working on their plutonium fabrication plant. Although it was believed to have been part of a demonstration at the time, on June 9th, a test at the D.C. test site was opened. The test site was located north of the White Sands Missile Range, in the northwest corner of the U.S. Navy Yard, to the east of a Navy building. After the initial nuclear tests, the United States began to develop atomic weapons from 1945 until 1945. The first tests were conducted in Russia only for the first two days. They were conducted on June 22nd, 1945, and on July 6th, 1942. On August 12th, 1945, two Russian scientists, Yuri Korolev and K. Ivanovich Barykin, were murdered in the vicinity of the Bletchley Forge nuclear weapons plant, near San Francisco. An investigation revealed that these scientists were hired by Soviet spy agency GRU to provide information on the Soviet nuclear program. The information they gave was of some interest but was never used by the U.S. government, which wanted to use the information to establish how the Soviet Union could build one of the smallest weapons that might ever be developed. The CIA then took this information and used it on various Soviet intelligence and military research projects under the control of the Soviet Intelligence Department. The CIA continued with its first atomic weapons program until the 1960s. During the early 1960s in the midst of the Vietnam War and after the Korean War, the Soviets provided information on nuclear weapons and other biological and chemical warfare. The Soviet Atomic Energy Commission (formerly the Atomic Energy Planning Board) conducted tests on the various weapons. The testing demonstrated that the tests were successful because they did not damage any nuclear device but would require the use of a weapon at the same time. The test was repeated about two weeks later at the Moscow Laboratory. The first test was conducted on April 21st, 1976, at the Chernobyl Soviet Atomic Radiation Experiment. This is the last test of the test. The test was run in the center of a military installation in Soviet Eastern Ukraine. The test site was known as “Little Blue Ridge.” A technician was trained in radioactive engineering but was unprepared to use the bomb. In 1991, a former scientist who had worked at the U.S. National Chemical Test Center, Washington, D.C., was killed by a single explosion at the Test Site. The last test was performed by a Soviet bomb maker

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Chief Planners Of The Japanese Offensive And World War. (August 9, 2021). Retrieved from