Charles Dickens and Pip Social Class, Education Important Now
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Gómez, López, Hernández 1Illardena Gómez Kimberly LópezNolvia Hernández Facilitator:  Iris Vallecillo Reading and Writing WorkshopDate: November 29th, 2017 Charles Dickens and Pip social class, education important now.       Where the country as a whole moved ever more forward in to the country we know today. Named after the ruling queen of that period, Alexandria Victoria, and lasting from 1837 ( the year he was crowned queen)  to 1901 ( the year she died), her reign at 63 years and seven month  made her not only the longest living march by for, but also the  longest living queen in human history. Charles John Huffman Dickens British writer every failure teaches man something he needed to learn, he was born in February 7, 1812 in Portsmouth, in the boson oh humble family. Some of John Dickens clerk of the navy Pagaduria the port arsenal of the Portsmouth and the Elizabeth Barrow. He spend, most of his childhood in London and Kent, place that appeared frequently in his works. He began attending school at nine years of age, but his studies were interrupted when his father, a small civil Servant who was imprisoned in 1824 for no paying his dents. When he was eleven years old, he had to go work at the London Company. In the novel Great expectation the character Pip Resembles Charles Dickens in many aspects; both of them belong to the low social class, they did not have complete formal education, finally Pip as a well a Charles Dickens  manage to change their life’s, through hard work and social connections.        In the Victorian age time period is known for its hierarchy based social order. Victorian Society was a class a based. You can see the various nobility tittles in Britain, Therefore, the Victorian middle class not only would lose their jobs and have to find another but, they had complete with immigrants for work In the novel the main character Charles Dickens and Pip lead a similarities life, for example Both of them belong to the low social class; Charles Dickens from a very early age knew what the job was                                                                                                                          Gómez, López, Hernández 2because his family did not have the necessary resources to have a good quality of life that made him emigrate to another city where he was going to present better opportunities economically, which would make him belong to another social class. Pip He was sent by his sister to Miss Havisham a lady who had a better social class than he. Pip was sent to work as Estella. Estella, being from a higher social class, treated badly to Pip because he was from a low social class.

I was dismissed and told to return in six days’ time Estella was ordered to give me something to   eat, which she did some bread and meat I felt as if I were a dog being fed all the hurt and humiliations made my tears fall when Estella saw my reddened eyes, a smile of delight came to her face, and she gave her head a toss of contempt. (

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