Caffeine Dependency – Essay – meghanfogle
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Caffeine Dependency
Meghan FogleMr. MorrisFebruary 12, 2019Narrative Final Draft        Since beginning my Freshman year of college, my love for coffee on a slow, cold morning has turned into a critical step in my everyday routine.  I recall all the mornings of my first semester, there I was- 9AM, dreading even the thought of leaving my cozy, soft, warm bed.  I laid there with my eyes still closed, not wanting to let the morning sun get its grip on my tired eyes, as the alarm on my phone wails and vibrates underneath my pillow.   Then, I remember, the only thing that can make me even consider sitting up, my Keurig.  Something some would say is not very necessary for dorm living, I consider my most cherished necessity.  When I knew all I needed to do was stand and take 4 steps to get to the machine, I was suddenly not as scared to open my eyes and begin my long day.  I get up, walk the 4 steps over to the coffee maker and in minutes, I’m transformed from a zombie to a preppy sorority girl, ready to take on the world.  This has become a crucial component in my morning routine for quite some time and it’s worked for me, and a majority of the population, for years now.  I believe that everyone who wakes up relatively early relies on coffee, or any other caffeinated beverage, to accomplish their daily tasks- making caffeine dependence a problem among many in the United States.I remember watching my parents drink 3-4 cups of coffee every morning while I was getting ready for elementary and middle school.  They would wake up, make a cup, and once it was gone they’d immediately pour another- every single day.  It never occured to me that in coffee was something more than I could’ve ever guessed.  It wasn’t just a hot, delicious drink that all adults would drink in the morning- it was a day starter.  Before I even started high school, I was then able to understand why every adult carried around a coffee cup before 11AM.  Coffee contains this “drug” called caffeine, a drug that is most commonly used to improve mental alertness.  Everything made more sense when I found out coffee is very high in caffeine (95mg), giving its consumers a quick way to enhance their attentiveness and bring down their tiredness before going to work/school.

Now knowing this information, I was quick to jump on the coffee wagon when I got to high school.  I quickly fell in love with the taste and effects coffee had, and how much effortless it had made each day.  It made classes easier to stay awake in and I felt more excited to get out of bed each morning knowing I had it.  Things changed when I realized coffee isnt the only thing that contains caffeine.  Many other drinks, including most sodas, contain it as well.  Energy drinks such as Monster, Red Bull, and Rockstar are another way that many people get their daily caffeine.  Compared to a cup of coffee, some energy drinks have almost double the amount of caffeine- Rockstar being the highest at 160 mg per can.  Because caffeine is so common in today’s world, no one really knows the negative side effects to using it.  The most common side effects of too much caffeine include, anxiety, digestive issues, high blood pressure, muscle tremor and one we often forget- addiction.  According to a study done by Villanova University, they found that “About 90 percent of Americans consume caffeine in one form or another every single day. More than half of all American adults consume more than 300 milligrams (mg) of caffeine every day, making it by far Americas most popular drug” (Villanova University).  This is considered a dependency, which is what I would consider coffee to myself, something I’m dependent on.  And studies have shown if you consume 100 mg of caffeine a day (a cup of coffee), you could acquire a physical dependence that could give a person withdrawal symptoms.Knowing these negative effects that caffeine can have on someone, I still drink it every day.  For me, the benefits outweigh the negative side effects.  I have never experienced anxiety or even withdrawal symptoms when I go a day without it which keeps me drinking it when I please.  With there being plenty of other deadly things to be dependent on, I don’t see caffeine as being even close to the worst.  It is something that helps people, which is why it’s one of the only drugs that is legal for everyone of any age.  Even though caffeine can give me digestive issues or muscle tremors in the long run, I will continue to consume it when I need a little pep in my step.

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(2019, 02). Caffeine Dependency. Retrieved 02, 2019, from
“Caffeine Dependency” 02 2019. 2019. 02 2019 < "Caffeine Dependency.", 02 2019. Web. 02 2019. < "Caffeine Dependency." 02, 2019. Accessed 02, 2019. Essay Preview By: meghanfogle Submitted: February 24, 2019 Essay Length: 1,123 Words / 5 Pages Paper type: Essay Views: 203 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays The Effects of Caffeine Caffeine What do you call a cow who's just given birth? De-calf-inated! How many of you have had a cup of coffee today? How about 558 Words  |  3 Pages Organisms Depend upon Photosynthesis Organisms Depend Upon Photosynthesis A. Organisms Depend Upon Photosynthesis 1. Photosynthetic organisms (algae, plants and a few other organisms) serve as ultimate source of food 1,795 Words  |  8 Pages Organisational Success Depends Ultimately on the Qualities of Its Leaders. but Are Leaders Born Successful or Can They Be Trained “Leadership is one of those things which is almost impossible to pin down in words but which everyone recognises when they see it.” D.A.S Plastow 3,155 Words  |  13 Pages Does Caffeine Affect the Heart Rate of Daphnia Does caffeine affect the heart rate of Daphnia? Introduction In this experiment I aim to find out if caffeine has an affect on heart rate. 891 Words  |  4 Pages Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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