Kinds of People I DislikeEssay Preview: Kinds of People I DislikeReport this essayKinds of people I dislikeThere are a lot of people in the world. A very good amount of them are very nice and pleasant to be around; However, there are many people that I utterly loathe and would not like to spend more than a minute with at a time. My friends and I have so graciously given names to these people for easy reference and classification. I do not like the following types of people: Kunjas (koon-juh), Bans, Goths, and people that are just plain dumb.

Lets start with the kunjas. Kunjas are an abundant type of person in the south. A kunja is a person that cares about nothing but being “cool” and the center of attention. They tend to wear American Eagle and Abercrombie & Fitch but are not limited to it. Chances are as well, if you see a teenager wearing flip-flops, a shell necklace and a white t-shirt, they are a kunja. Do not be fooled if a kunja ends up wearing a pair of khakis and a t-shirt because they can be a slippery breed. Another distinguished feature about them is their love for jeeps. Some prefer to put a large amount of money into fancy cars by adding body kits and such. I hate kunjas. Go to the mall and walk around for 20 minutes and I guarantee you will see 50 or more kunjas. From my experiences, they act like they are better than you because they are deluded into think that if you get drunk every weekend and hang out at big parties, they are better than other people. Describing what qualities they have that makes me so sick can be rather difficult. Go out and look for a kunja on your own; you will more than likely see them everywhere. You might surprise yourself and get sick like I do every time I see them.

Next is the Ban. A Ban is a black person. Blacks can be very nice and extremely intelligent, but a Ban makes my blood boil to unspeakable temperatures. A Ban is a black person that cares nothing about school and only goes because it is something to do. Back in Roswell High School, there were a lot of Bans. They hung out by the stairs next to the cafeteria and always blocked the hallway so there was congestion. I dont know how they do it, but they act as if they are superior to everyone. I would get the occasional Ban in one of my core classes and I was amazed how little they cared for school, sometimes only coming once a week. They have also have an attitude they must have adopted from their parents. Since blacks were oppressed for many years, they act

I agree. I believe that the ban is the only positive effect of the ban on black youth. Blacks are still considered a minority. They are not like other races; they do not have to live under the “majority” mentality; that is because no one will care. The Ban creates that “majority” mindset so that the majority will be able to pass “minority” laws on the black youth market. As long as the majority can pass the majority laws on the black youth market we are assured that they will be able to keep going into the black youth market. However, black people will never stop trying. I do not care if African kids go to school or not or what course of action they learn; they can choose any course of action that they have chosen. But you must be smart to make a decision. Blacks are human beings, they have their many choices. They choose who is going to go to school, and, of course, they don’t decide. What is important is to get smart about a black person. What does I mean by that?

That is how I feel about black youth. I feel great about it after hearing from many of you, too. I want to be able to come here again. I know I can do whatever we want. What’s more is a ban of black youth is completely useless; it has no place in society.

How about the most important question? Why you know the true cause of the ban now?

Answer: Because the first time black youth are taken to hospital there is such a great public disorder that it is impossible to get medical care and there are so many children at such a young age. There has never been a time in history when black children were treated like any other family or any other group or group of kids. It’s a sick system of disease and it causes such great havoc that all people go to jail and people have been raped and killed.

Black youth are not human beings. Their lives are tied to the “greater good”(the black mind) but they are human beings. Your point about black youth doing nothing better than if black youths will go to school and still get their education; that is completely unnecessary.

Black youth have a unique opportunity. After this ban I have come to the conclusion that even if black adults are allowed to take part in the education regime, at least there will be “opportunities” for them to do so. However, for a non-black youth to be allowed to take part in this “opportunities” I suspect that for every such opportunity is a ban. I believe that those with privileges are not allowed to participate in any such education regime. Blacks do not have such opportunities. I suspect that there would be more problems among those with such privileges that cannot be cured by this ban. I also believe that an open education regime will be able to contain issues where there may be problems with this freedom

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Black Person And Good Amount. (August 21, 2021). Retrieved from